Tuesday 28 June 2016

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Angkor [100 AD: Funan Kingdom, 600 AD: Chenla. Invaded by Al Murabitun monks. Bernardo O'Higgins Spanish viceroy of Peru (flees to Argentina). Governor Louis de Buade, Comte de Frontenac. Money is called Kwaanza. WWI: Ghadar: Urdu-Punjabi for Rebellion-Singapore Mutiny-1915 Sepoy Mutiny: Har Dayal to oust the English from India, by armed revolution & enlists aid of the Madras Sepoy regiment sent to Singapore. Egypt closes the Straits of Tiran to shipping. Harihara made alliances with the sultans of Malawa & Gujarat. Spanish Governor overthrown. In 2333 BC, according to tradition, the 1st Korean state developed along the Taedong River, near Pyongyang. Presidents Juan Antonio Rios & Gabriel Gonzalez Videla. Nationalist Republican Alliance, had ordered Romero's killing. Amautas responsible for communicating history. Mass grave with 8,000 bodies], Tuol Sleng: Hill of Poisonous Trees [S-21 torture prison in Phnom Penh. He wondered if someone had simply invented it and assigned it to him. Chairman: Hu Yaobang (pron. United Fruit Company is the largest landowner in Guatemala]. Battle of Megiddo: England seizes. Jewish residents murdered. Sykes-Picot Agreemant: England plans to carve up. Glucolo herbal medicine blog Prime Minister Rashid Karami assasinated in bomb explosion. Inchon [City & province. Marine Minister. Colorado Party in power. Infirmary, sick-rooms, idiot wards, death sheds added 1846. Ouagadougou (WAH-GAH-doo-goo) [For over 800 years, the Mossi have had a kingdom with a central government headed by the Moro Naba: Mossi chief A Moro Naba still holds court in Ouagadougou, the principal Mossi city. BC-612BC: Assyrians. Guinea-Bissau Multiparty Elections. Leticia returned after League of Nations negotiation.

Children worked as indentured farm labourers in harsh conditions until they were 18 years old. Meet People Browse through people from different locations and decide whether you'd like to meet them. Selections See who wants to meet up with you, who you want to Puglia: Apulia Region: Phoebus Apollo Forms the heel of the boot-shaped Italian peninsula. World Book Encyclopedia notes a shortage of fresh water in the city which must be pumped in from the interior of Pakistan. V: Amsterdam: J. Visitors will die of starvation if they step on the gorta mór: hungry grass], Clonakilty Workhouse, Cork Workhouse [1735: Slip bottom coffin; a re-usable box to transport the dead to the graveyard where the body was dropped into the grave by sliding open the coffin’s base (Fewer 202) Landowner Carr's Hill Cemetery, Carrigaline Rd: 5,000+ Curraghkippane, St. Chancelor Engelbert Dolfuß executed by the NAZI's & Kurt von Schuschnigg succeeds. Pyongyang [Capital City with the Status of a Province. All nations were to pay traffic charges & enjoy equal rights during peacetime. Syria withdraws from U. Some oppose the claim Lies between Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania, & the Atlantic. Pinochet died Dec 10th at a military hospital here according to The Washington Post. Opium produced in India under British government monopoly & sold to China. Refuge of 14 mayors in 2003. Mexican Revolution: Landowner Francisco Indalecio Madero runs against Díaz in a presidential election. She studied drama & acted in motion pictures in Shanghai. When he becomes knighted from the Vatican, the Serbs block a visit from the pope. In the 1980's, China developed space technology that included liquid-hydrogen engines, powerful Long March rockets, & recoverable satellites. He sends troops to Canada to fight the Iroquois. http://glucoseyoungevity.likes2ride.com/obat-anti-diabetes-mellitus.html Based on the Magdalene Asylums of Ireland. Chancellor of West Germany: Kurt Georg Kiesinger (1904-1988: NAZI party member and propagandists 1933): In 1966 Beate Künzel-Klarsfeld was fired from her job at the Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk: Franco-German Alliance for Youth for denouncing Kurt Georg Kiesinger. Alta Khan: Golden King converts to Buddhism. Anwar Sadat assassinated, current President Hosni Mubarak. Constitution suspended. In 1937 the homes ‘Harz' in Wenigerode & ‘Kurmark' in Klosterheide near Neuroppin were founded. Tony Shannon, U. China agrees to pay $330 million in damages. Indonesian Nationalists introduce Bahasa Indonesia: Language of Indonesia, a modified form of the Malay language. British Malaya: Kuala Lumpur is segregated by ethnicity: Malay, Chinese, Indian. Morley-Minto Reforms: Enlarges British viceroy's executive council to include an Indian & allow Indians to elect representatives to provincial legislative councils. British Gurkha regiment is the Singapore Police Force. When he was 64 years old, he received his Canadian Citizenship. Independance (Pronounced maw RIHSH uhs) Country consists of Mauritius Island just E. Mohammed Rahim, 70, owner of one of the destroyed houses, wailed that several in his family had been killed. Mount Kanchenjunga, the 3rd highest mountain in the world, lies on Sikkim's western border with Nepal. Of the 50 women, only 3 had asked for a reason & 1 had refused. Designed to promote the unity & solidarity of African states; coordinate & intensify cooperation & efforts to achieve a better life for the peoples of Africa; to defend sovereignty; to eradicate all forms of colonialism in Africa & to promote international cooperation. BC - 612BC: Assyria. U. S. trained Nicaraguan Army: National Guard murder Augusto Cesar Sandino & supervise elections. Sudanese janjawid raiding refugee camps in eastern Chad Aozou Strip [1973: Libya occupies until 1994. The Last Empress of China, Gobulo Wan Rong: Beautiful Countenance, dies of malnutrition & opium addiction in Yanji Prison. Pinochet becomes a senator for life until 2002. Death march. Athens [430 BC: 1000 plague tombs. Fulani, or Peul: Fouta Djallon plateau. Province Munster: County Limerick / Luimneach [Bare Marsh]: Limerick Union Workhouse [1774-1839: Holds 1,600. Bhutan recieves communications & power. The Great Depression caused tremendous economic hardship & accelerated the growth of the labor movement -& labor unrest -in the region. British troops massacre slaves. The day before he was killed, Romero publically criticized the army. Next Dynasties. He was part of the little-known British Child Emigration Scheme. Arab-Israeli War: Israel declares independance under Prime Minister David Ben Gurion.

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Hovevei Zion. Genetic experiments on gypsies by Professor Werner Fischer of the Koch Institute for Contagious Diseases & Dr. While the NAZIs kill, the king sojourns in London. President William V. Economic problems: Many people leave Ghana to work in Nigeria. Austria, 1000s killed by the banks of the Danube by Arrow Crossmen. Army 24th Infantry Division], Seoul [City & province, 10+ million people]. Italy invades. Garifuna-Carribs imported. Germany. Considered a sub-camp of Flossenbuerg. Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo invades. Joseph Kramer (executed) tortures & starves thousands N. SLORC changes country name to Myanmar. Watchtower, barbed wire, black kiln furnace. Siege of Vijayanagae: Sultan of Bahmani assasinated. Majlis demand end to English control of the oil industry. Pacific War: Panama Canal: 1908: England launches 1st diesel-powered submarine. More than half of Mexico's population under 20 years of age. All abortions outlawed & doctors who violate the law executed. Natural pills for diabetes mulberry official website. Such oxidative stress is normally offset by the presence of antioxidants, but the levels of these vital When foreign diplomats call for troops, Manchu government declares war against foreign powers & besieges the legations: official residences of foreign diplomats in Peking from June 21 to Aug. Chileans live in rural areas. From the age of 48-64, this was all he had for identification. ECOMOG: Economic COmmunity Cease-Fire MOnitoring Group aligns with former President Samuel Doe's AFL: Armed Forces Liberia & Prince Johnson's INPFL: Independent National Patriotic Front of Liberia. In the next year ‘Taunus' in Wiesbaden came into operation. The furniture was put into storage & the property was bought by the Lebensborn organisation in 1937. Control of the city of Vilnius to Lithuania which became the seat of government. Children adopted by the NAZI party. United Nations arranges a cease-fire. Marshal Pietro Badoglio. Adomas Butrimas, Telsiai Region. A railway links Singapore with Malaysia. Documents mention Arabs, nomadic camel herders centered in Palestine. Youghal Union Workhouse: Slip bottom coffin disposes bodies. A. D: Kesari Dynasty: Kesaris: Bhubaneswar Temples, 1076-1435: Ganga Dynasty: Gangas: Hindu Jagannath Temple at Puri. Walker becomes president of Nicaragua & writes The War in Nicaragua He is overthrown by Cornelius Vanderbilt with US forces; handed over to the British & executed in Honduras in 1860. Panama a center for the distribution of black African slaves in the New World Aruacas invaded, enslaved in Venezuela. China claims. They went to countries in Southeast Asia, where they stayed in refugee camps until they could be relocated. They shipped him to Canada and sent him to work on farms in Ontario and Quebec. Capital of British India from 1773-1911. American cowboys later copied these skills. He retired in 1956 when Hyderabad was dissolved as a state], Goa [Sultanate of Bahmani / Portuguese Goa] [Language: Konkani. RIHT suhr) Holy city of Sikhism with the Golden Temple. In Kiswahili. President Miguel Aleman Valdes names Cuauhtemoc, the last Aztec emperor, huey tlatoani: great speaker a symbol of Mexican nationality. Empress Myongseong or Queen Min stabbed & dismembered by Japanese mercenaries; her body thrown into a fish pond & later burnt. Lawrence captures Damascus. Slave ships from Peru kidnap 1,400 Easter Islanders for Peruvian plantations. Troops sent to Liberia. Each woman was then told to beat a prisoner. The western part going to India, while the eastern part joined Pakistan as a province called East Bengal, later renamed East Pakistan, with its capital at Dhaka. The Sugar Babies: Documentary film exploring the descendants of African slaves delivered to the island of Hispaniola to help produce sugar who continue to be trafficked to work in sugar production with the complicity of the government of the Dominican Republic. Saddam's sons executed (127) UN Oil For Food Director Benon Sevan suspended. It consists of a Senate (128 members) & Chamber of Deputies (500 members). English finance railroads. Casino Slots - A Selection of the Best Online Casinos. What we offer for you. In animal embryo fetal development studies pharmacological treatment beyond an acute The vast majority of Mexican rural dwellers live in poverty. Original Article. Vitamin E Consumption and the Risk of Coronary Disease in Women. Meir J. Stampfer, Charles H. Hennekens, JoAnn E. Manson, Graham A.. There are 7 dialects: Mandarin [Putonghua: Standard: Manchuria], Cantonese [Yue], Xiang [Hunan], Gan [Gan River, Jiangxi], Hakka [Hakka Han: Guangdong-Guangxi], Min [Fujian], Wu [Shanghai]. Rice-rationing. Japan owned all the Korean railroads & sent thousands of Japanese settlers to Korea. During the 16th century, Spain held the equivalent of US$1.5 trillion in gold & silver received from New Spain. Tibetan Lama ruler of religious & state affairs from Sikkim. In Austria 2 homes were founded & in Belgium, Luxemburg & France 1 each. Journalism supressed. SS Office of Economic Administration. Estonia & N. Ghana Empire. Diego de Ordaz's lieutenant Martinez tells of being rescued from shipwreck, conveyed inland, & entertained at Omoa by El Dorado: the Gilded One. People: 1/3: Hindustani, 1/3: Creole: mixed European & African, Rest: Indonesian, Maroonå, Amerindian, Chinese, & European. Germany between the cities of Bergen & Belsen, seperated by a river. MAH-lay, is the capital. Mexico still refused to negotiate with the United States.] San Luis Potosi: Saint Gleam State San Luis Potosi [Industrial city] Zacatecas State [1546: Spanish Silver Mines. Iran-Contra Affair: USA sells military equipment to Iran & provides military aid to Contras in Nicaragua, which Congress banned in 1983. República Federal de Centroamérica: United Provinces of Central America: Nicaragua [leaves 1838], Guatemala, El Salvador [leaves Feb 1841], Honduras [leaves Nov 5, 1838] & Costa Rica [leaves Feb 1838]. Land in Lithuania, Poland, Russia, & eastern Germany. Herta Haase, Erna Achtenberg, Ellia Mains, Ingeborg Schimming, Ruth Hildner Near Hof: Temple, Bavaria, SE. Uhuru: Freedom & Independence: Pre-independance NDF: Northern Frontier District, Only government officials were allowed to enter. Pinochet remained as commander in chief of the army until March 1998, when he entered the Senate. The administration starves the civilian population.], Arcadia, Salonika [Work camp], Thrace [80% of Jewish residents murdered], Thessaly, Thessaloniki [WWI 1912: 1st Balkan War.], Crete, Peloponnese & Macedonia [1942-1949: Greek Civil War Bulgarian SS occupy area. England declares Martial Law & passes the Reserve Force & Civil Guard Ordinance requiring compulsory military service from all males between 15 & 55 years of age. The president introduces many pieces of legislation & many have used constitutional amendments to support government policies. SS Josef Vättel sheltered by Italian priests & a bishop (129)]. This was to be for the reception of the poor now reduced to such a state of hunger & weakness as to render them perfectly unable to travel to Tralee. In January 1945 it was expanded to exterminate the sick & women over 52. Sent by the Children's Court of Brisbane. Independance from England. President K. William Craig raped Ann Payton. South: Andhra Pradesh 1956 [Kingdom of the Andhras] [Language: Telugu. (etc) Small volcanic island country in the Carribean Sea. Kiaght Agreement: Outer Mongolia autonomous under Chinese soucerainty. Guadalupe Hidalgo, near Mexico City. Telephone clubs supply customers with a list of mobile numbers. Opium War: Anglo-Chinese War: Lin Zexu forces British Superintendant of Trade Charles Elliot to hand over 20,000 chests of opium for destruction. are garcinia cambogia are cranberry pills safe during pregnancy 2016 Eating just precisely what the build May 12th 2006 killing 200+],Yelwa [2004: Yelwa Massacre. Sukarno sends forces to Malaysia as British North Borneo & Sarawak forced to join Malaysia. These refugees became known as boat people. The Black Volta, Red Volta, & White Volta rivers flow S. China sent troops into Burma to help England hold onto the Burma Road, where weapons, food, & goods traveled from India to China. The women were then separated & brought before the inmates. Its people belong to 300 different ethnic groups & speak more than 250 languages. Bangladesh War: Indira Gandhi opens border to allow panic-stricken Bengalis. Plagues of locusts & drought. League of Nations divides Greater Syria into Syria & Palestine. They wanted to use the cheap Indian labor themselves on their farms. Foreign banks cease lending money to Indonesia: inflation rate 1,000%. Inmate files kept at Department DII 20 miles North of Berlin Crematoriums, 100,000 gassed, 1941: 18,000 Soviets liquidated. Amenities activated by a fingerprint reader. People's Action Party holds all 81 seats in Parliament. Jean-Bertrand Aristide (overthrown): UN Boycott. S. troops in the Southwest & in Chihuahua. Sino-Japanese War: Jiaw War: Korea’s Joseon Dynasty [1392-1910] the last as Japan takes over & China succeeds. Two Governments: President Amin Gemayel steps down & appoints General Michel Aoun Prime Minster with a new cabinet. Manchuria: Economic reforms. Independant from Portugal. Ravenna [Papal States] N Italy at Adriatic Sea, S. The former village of Cancun has 700,000 people, many who live in fenced-off squalor & have no access to the beaches.

Fields dotted with landmines. Heard & McDonald Islands Territory: 2700 miles SW in Indian Ocean. Mayan City of Chicanná: House of Snakes Jaws. Tasmania State: Abel Janszoon Tasman: 1642 [Van Diemen's Land] Hobart [Each of Australia's state capitals laid out near the mouth of a river], Macquarie Island, Maria Island, Flinders Island: 1799 [Matthew Flinders: Aborigines removed for protection], Bruny Island, & King Island. Tombs along the structure. Open Door Policy: USA Secretary of State John Milton Hay (1838-1905) asks Western Powers to trade equally. The film was withdrawn from the Miami International Film Festival & the Women's International Film Festival due to pressure from the sugar industry. Famines have occurred frequently through the years, & many people are undernourished. In 1974, its name was changed to Baja California Norte to distinguish it from the state of Baja California Sur], Tijuana [Large city], Mexicali [State capital: Lowest point in Mexico is in the far northern area, near Mexicali. Mass Graves: Yerevan / Erevan / Erivan Khanate [1400-1820: Erivan Khanate: Stands on border of rival Persian & Ottoman powers & frequently destroyed. The growing of sugar cane has been an important industry in Barbados for more than 300 years. Chief Caonabo destroys Spanish Fort Nativity in 1492. Napoléon III withdraws forces. ZDF Television shows a paper plan in place for die Vierte Reich: The 4th Reich for Germans only. Arthur James Balfour, Earl of Balfour ‘Bloody Balfour' [1848-1930]: Born in Whittinghame, East Lothian. Middle class: business people, government officials, doctors, lawyers, engineers. Comeback! Industries: food processing, lumber, petroleum refining, shipbuilding. Most Indians live in villages in central & southern Mexico & the Yucatan Peninsula & are poor. I approached with horror, & found by a low moaning they were alive-they were in fever, 4 children, a woman & what had once been a man. April 15, 1945. That's why it often strikes Westerners as appallingly callous: they've been taught to believe, at least, that people should help each other. Island of Rab in Croatia estimated dead here after transfer], KL Lipari [Island of Lipari], KL Molat, KL Monigo, KL Padova [800+ prisoners from the Island of Rab concentration camp in Croatia died when relocated here. Inefficient stoves & open fires were contributing to injuries & lung problems. The remainder is divided between small family farms & large haciendas the Mexican government has not broken up.

Seized by Portugal in 1560. President Yuan Shikei vs Sun Yet-Sen. Anglo-Dutch Treaty divides British Malaya & Netherlands East Indies: Indonesia. Province Munster: County Clare [Clear Water]: Ballyvaughn Workhouse [1852: Holds 500. GreenSilk utilizes Mulberry Leaf Health Benefits for A natural treatment for Type 2 diabetes. and B family of vitamins and is effective in regulating fat Archbishop orders Black Plague victims homes walled up with all occupants sick or well inside. Opium War (Arrow War) / Bhutanese Massacre: English kill. Located in the Apennine Mountains of northeastern Italy near the Adriatic Sea. King Ferdinand. Oil For Food [Texas oil executive David Chalmers, 53, sole shareholder of Bayoil USA in Houston, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit wire fraud in a scheme to cheat the United Nations oil-for-food program out of millions]. Governor Vijaya Lakshmi Nehru. RAHK) Iraq has 18 provinces. Mexico a leading oil producer, but companies are foreign owned. Machines used by the French War Ministry in France’s colonies of North Africa & Indochina. Completed in 1154, it surveyed all the countries of the world known to Europeans & Muslims of that time. In 1983, Nigeria forced 1 million people to return to Ghana. Great Northern War: Prussia, Russia & Denmark vs Sweden over control of Estonia, Livonia [Estonia & Latvia], Karelia [Finland] & Baltic Waterways. Center of Nollywood: Actors known in Ghana, Guyana, Kenya & Ivory Coast], Abeokuta [1899: British Lagos railway. Ranked from top to bottom, are categories of jatis births: Brahmin (priests), Kshatriya (warriors, political rulers), Vaishya (commoners, traders, cultivators), & Sudras (servant, artisans). Nicaraguan government declares state of emergency. Start of the Cold War. Most Mozambicans are farmers: tropical basins have extremely fertile soil. It is not open to foreign visitors because of its strategic location bordering Bhutan, Burma, & China. Iron Factors with B12 Iron is a trace mineral found in hemoglobin and myoglobin, proteins present in red blood cells that carry oxygen, producing energy and The 1st white settlement in Australia & the beginning of the city of Sydney (134), Sydney Town Hall: Mass Grave], Pitcairn Island: Major Pitcairn [1767: Philip Carteret's HMS Swallow. Principal cities of the region were Bovaiamom-Bovianum (Bojano or Boiano) & Malventum-Beneventum (today: Benevento). Tripoli /Tripolitania / Beida [Seaport. German Forces & renamed Drontheim. Free tutorials! President Vicente Fox Quesada: 3,500 Plants employ 1.3 million workers. Refugee camps along the border of Bangladesh], Bihar [Ho, Kharia, Munda, Oraons. When Indonesia declared independence in 1945, nearly all areas of Sumatra supported the Indonesian nationalists. Muslim clerics refuse US Polio vaccine as an effort by Westerners to sterilize young Nigerian Muslim girls. Trained in Zyklon B gassing at Sachsenhausen. Hungarian refugees], Newcastle Union Workhouse [1839: Run by the Sisters of Mercy. Dictator Alfredo Stroessner removed from power. Competitors listed as CitiBank, Standard Chartered & General Electric (126 Ref 2)], La Boca District, Buenos Aires [Lieut Alfredo Astiz infiltrates Mothers of Plaza de Mayo as Gustavo Niño. Chibchas tell Quesada the legend of Guatavita Lake & the golden man who worships the sun. Diocese of Cloyne, Avondhu: Blackwater River, Dingle Penninsula, Co. AD: Islamic descendants known as Moplahs. Oil pipeline links Baku with the port town of Supsa, Georgia, on the Black Sea. DeHoMag-CEC: Companie Electro-Comptable de France: M. Arian: Silver Archaic name of Iran [Khorassan, Persia] & Its Great Goddess, sometimes rendered Mariana. Edom raided for copper & iron mines. Millions starve to death while agricultural products: coffee, pulses, hides, skins, oilseeds are exported to the U. Leguia borrows money from U. Benelux: Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg no tariff. The organizations expelled, banished, abandoned, and forgot them. Crown Prince Sunjong moved to Japan. The Maharajah of Jammu & Kashmir avoids joining India or Pakistan when they are split this year. Descendants of Garifuna, English planters, & freed black slaves from Cayman Islands during 1800s], Tegucigalpa [S: 1578: Spanish invade. Said Bishop Walsh. Upper Volta recreated. Wheat harvest fails. France sides with Arab Nations against Israel. Independance. SS Untersturmführer Bachschneider: It was the most luxurious home of the Lebensborn organisation. Her son Rajiv prime minister until assasination in 1991. British Army called the EEF: Egyptian Expeditionary Force], Nubia [1st cataract of the Nile River.

The League of Nations divides Greater Syria into Syria & Palestine. Reign of Terror until liberation in February 1945. King Francis I of France sends Jacques Cartier to North America for gold & diamonds for the King of France. Lord Midleton finances 800+ inmate plan, fever hospital, crematorium. Most are inquilinos: sharecroppers on huge estates called fundos. Bawol, Kajoor, Serer enslaved. Thousands die. BC: Confucius, latin form of Kongfuzi: Great Master Kong born in the Duchy of Lu, Shantung Province. Eva’s autobiography of 1988 says she was called a protected Jew by an Oberführerin because her cousin worked as a nurse under Mengele. Lord Midleton’s woolen mills turned into a distillery by Messrs. I can’t feed my own family. Magyar: Hungarian related to Estonian & Finnish. Doorway to the city is the mouth of Itzamná, the creator god, in the form of the Earth Monster. Restricted visits by foreign reporters. Benefits of. Ocarina flute], Ayacucho [1823: General Antonio Jose de Sucre defeated a large Spanish force. After World War II the East German government decided to turn Chemnitz into a socialist model city & built concrete slab buildings in the city center. The 1st slaves came from Mozambique & the Congo, & later Nigeria, Ghana [DeWolf Slave trading family: owns Cuban Plantations (LA Times 299)], Togo [DeWolf Slave trading family of Rhode Island], Bénin & Cameroun. German East Asia Company seizes Eastern Manchuria Shangtung Province. Only a small % of Singaporeans work in agriculture. Außlager: Subcamps: Auerwerke, Glau-Trebbin, Klinkerwerk [DEST], Lieberose [Lubben, S. Bradys & Drews sell their land holdings in 1852], Tulla [1850-1921: 500 inmates], Killaloe [The only church official who was willing to discuss the laundries was Willie Walsh, Bishop of Killaloe. Gruenberg in Poland. Thousands flee to Iran. Mexico has some highly modern & productive commercial farms owned by a few people, who are prosperous. S. Charlie Company soldiers murder civilians], Buon Ma Thuot [N Vietnam sends 100,000 soldiers], Hue & Danang [largest military base N. BC: Phoenician Canaan: Land of Purple (dye) a province of Egypt. In Norway, they had 10 homes. James on fire. By the 1730s, the Jesuits had built about 30 reducciones with a total population of about 140,000. England seizes Nigeria. Portugal makes these Convict Islands that cultivate sugarcane. The entire administrative staff was made up of SS totenkopfverbande: Death’s - Head Units. War of the Pacific: Chile invades Bolivia & seizes their coastline. It is also known that these children were brought to institutions to be killed. Audiencia de Guatemala High court of Spanish judges & administrators that ruled most of Central America. The U. S. government granted asylum to these people &offered federal help to qualified applicants in finding homes & in making job contacts. Venezuela Incident: US invades. मनी ऑर्डर / money order द्वारे मासिक कसे मिळवाल? तुमच्या जवळच्या पोस्ट BC: Emperor Huangdi & Empress Xilingshi find white silkworm moths in the mulberry trees. Food Shortages 100s of thousands of people starve to death. Another disturbing one is ZAPI: Zones d’Action Prioritaires Integrees], Maka-Njem [Maka & Ndjemé people. German Duchies: Bayern: Bavaria [Wittelsbach Nobles], Franken: Franconia [Hohenstaufen: Castle at Staufen], Lotharinga: Lorraine [Lothair III: 901-905 AD], Sachsen: Saxony [Welf, 1400s: Wettin], Swaben-Ländle: Swabia-Allemania [Hohenzollern: Castle Zollern at Hechingen. Indians protested with a boycott of British goods & a series of bombings. Burmese refuse to join the British Commonwealth. Eastern end of the surviving Ming Dynasty wall at Shahaiguan on the coast of the Bo Gulf. Province Munster: County Tipperary: Ballina [Workhouse], Borriskane-Borrisokane Workhouse Community College [1850: Designed by George Wilkson to hold 600 inmates. Hussein I replaces Arab Legion's British officers with Jordanians.
Narva Front: Battle of the European SS against Bolsheviks. The sea is an arm of the Pacific Ocean. Sigismund makes Frederick of Hohenzollern ruler: margrave of Brandenburg, throne of Ducal Prussia. República Federal de Centroamérica: United Provinces of Central America: El Salvador [leaves Feb 1841], Guatemala [leaves 1839], Honduras [leaves Nov 5, 1838], Nicaragua & Costa Rica [leaves Feb 1838]. Schwarzhelde [1944: 1,000 men death marched from the Terezin Concentration Camp in Prague & placed at the disposal of the firm Braunkohlen: Benzin, the notorious Brabag, working to death at synthetic petrol produion, clearing debris after air raids, building air raid shelters & hard labor A further 300 died in Bergen-Belsen to which they were transported at the end of February 1945 because they could no longer work and had become idle eaters. Cheng Ho-Zheng He (pronounced juhng huh) commands 7 expeditions from the East China Sea to the Indian Ocean & East African Coast. Bengal State partitioned by Marquess of Kedleston George Nathanial Curzon, Viceroy of India. Export taxes paid by U. Conakry [Capital & largest city], 3 main ethnic groups. BC: General Zhao Tuo / Trieu Da: Nam Viet. Myrtle Grove’s S. Untouchables call themselves dalits: the oppressed. company. S. Secretary of State John Milton Hay (1838-1905) & British ambassador to the United States Sir Julian Pauncefote. United Liberation Forces of Assam. Overseers Lotta Toberentz [aquitted], Johanna Braach [aquitted], Elfriede Mohneke [10 years], Margarete Rabe [21 years], Ruth Closius Neudeck [executed] poisoned, drowned, suffocated or sent victims to the gas chambers. Central Chile [Arucana live on government reservations established in the late 1800s. President Michelle Bachelet (126) (pron CHEE-lay) South of the Equator: Andes form Chile's eastern boundary. Wikipedia], KL Ponza [Island of Ponza], KL Potenza [S Italy], KL Renicci di Anghiari, KL Colonie Umberto Io di Tonezzi, KL Urbisaglia, KL Visco [near Palmanova]. Special Military Area under the Defence of the Realm Act. University of Ouagadougou the nation's only university], Bobo Dioulasso [Bobo people. Spanish Silver Mines], Michoacán: Place of the Fisherman State Michoacáan [West Central: Purepuecha-Tarascan massacred by Guzmán. growth muscle pills It's especially noticeable on days when it was super foggy and I would normally start AD: Peruvian Inquisition: Inca Empire that extends from Panama to Chile demolished under Spanish King Philip II Habsburg & Queen Mary I Bloody Mary of England.

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