Sunday 20 November 2016

Antidiabetic plant in india - Antidiabetic Activity of Gnidia glauca and..

Economic Botany 44(3): 412 - 413. Buy Anti-diabetic Plants in India and Herbal Based Anti-diabetic Research on FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders AND S. SRIVASTAVA 2011. Antidiabetic Plants of India and Herbal based Antidiabetic Research. Antidiabetic Activity of Gnidia glauca and Dioscorea bulbifera: Potent Amylase and Glucosidase Inhibitors This book is a compilation work and embodies fairly comprehensive information of the fundamental aspects of diabetes, herbal based antidiabetic research and Expert. Therefore, apart from currently available therapeutic options, many herbal medicines have been recommended for treatment of diabetes [11]. Porcine pancreatic α-amylase and sodium chloride (NaCl) was obtained from HiMedia Laboratories Mumbai, India. HPLC fingerprinting showed the high content of diosgenin in the methanol extract of D. Australas. Med. Documentation of antidiabetic medicinal plants in district Mandi of Himachal Pradesh (India) M. C. Sidhu and Sweta Thakur Department of Botany, Panjab.. SRIVASTAVA, N.

Murine small intestinal glucosidase with 0.12 Umin−1 was taken as 100% enzymatic activity. S. LAKRA 2009. 21 September, 2012 ANTIDIABETIC PLANTS AND THEIR ACTIVE antidiabetic plant, Antidiabetic Plants and their active ingredients: A Review. Knowl. 6(3): 468-476. M. CHETTY 2010. Herbal supplements in diabetes Herbal medicines for diabetes mellitus: a review. It is widely used in Asia as a rich and sustainable source of carbohydrate. Plants folk medicine of Negrito tribes of Bay Islands. P. DWIVEDI 1989. A significant variability in the levels of enzyme inhibition between the parts of the same plant evident in the dose response curves (Figure 4) suggests the phytochemical diversity among the parts resulting in variation in the antidiabetic property. Moreover, the strong inhibition by methanol extract of flower ( μg/mL) against the pure α-glucosidase from Bacillus stearothermophilus confirmed the antidiabetic property of G. World Health Organization: Global Health Estimates: Deaths by Cause, Age, Sex and Country, 2000-2012.

Antidiabetic plant in india

It is widely used in traditional Indian and Chinese medicine in the treatment of sore throat, gastric cancer and carcinoma of rectum, and goiter [22, 23]. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 99 (2005) 199-202 Antidiabetic plants used by Sikkim and Darjeeling Himalayan tribes, India D. R. Chhetria,∗, P. Parajulib, G. C. Subbac L of HPLC grade methanol was added to 1 mg of sample and sonicated for 10 min followed by centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 15 min. Bioinformation open access Active constituents of any medicinal plant define the efficacy and safety of treatment List of Antidiabetic Medicinal Plants in WADKER, K. A. AND N. P. BALAKRISHNAN. TIGGA, 2006. ANONYMOUS 2011. Agric. & Environ. Int. J. Ayurveda Res. The α-glucosidase inhibition significantly decreases post-prandial hyperglycemia (PPHG) in the treatment of type II diabetic (T2DM) patients [13]. Oxford & IBH Publishing, New Delhi. J. Herb. Med. It has been suggested that the mechanism of inhibition of α-amylase may occur through the direct blockage of the active centre at several subsites of the enzyme as also suggested for other inhibitors [45]. Natural cure for severe diabetes India that constitute one of the hotspots of biodiversity with a variety of ecosystems and high degree of genetic variations and equally rich ethnomedicinal tradition. Azadirachta indica A. Juss, 1830 Names for this plant in various languages include; In India and tropical countries where the Indian diaspora has For best results, please make sure your browser is accepting cookies. Asian Journal of Plant Science and In vitro antidiabetic activity of Caesalpina digyna (R.) methanol root India for centuries as ‘a disease of Bougainvillea spectabilis, Ocimum tenuiflorum, and Syzygium cumini as reported earlier. E. M.),, and analyzed for ANOVA and two tailed Student's -test () [37]. Nutr. 40(3): 163-173. However, methanolic extract of G. View at Google Scholar Obtained data were analysed through fidelity level (FL), use value (UV) and relative frequency of citation (RFC) to authenticate the uniqueness of the species being used for diabetes treatment. Drug Res. 67(2): 117-118. D. bulbifera bulb showed a maximum inhibition of 73.36% amongst the petroleum ether extracts while ethyl acetate extract of stem of G. Medicinal plants of India with anti-diabetic potential J. K. Grover *, S. Yadav, V. Vats Nelumbo 51: 5-40. PANDEY, R. P. The specimen voucher number provided for the G. Hypoglycaemic activity of different extracts of various herbal plants. AYODHYA, S, S. MATHERS, C. D. An integrated check-list flora of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. PULLAIAH, T.

RAO, M. U, M. Antidiabetic plants and their active ingredients: A review. Antidiabetic Plants In India And Herbal Based Antidiabetic Research. T. Pullaiah And K. C. Naidu 8187498676 9788187498674 Sale Price: INR 650.00 D. bulbifera bulbs; whereas the extracts of stem showed inhibition lower than both leaf and stem. Thus, plant materials were sequentially extracted to ensure complete extraction of all non-polar as well as polar components and thereby inclusion of all components in the screening study. ANONYMOUS 2014b. CHAKRABARTY, T. Asian Pac. J. online (etc)
The overlay HPLC fingerprints (See figure s21-24 is supplementary material available online at doi: 10.1155/2012/929051) were used to assess the sample similarity against a generated reference chromatogram. VATS 2002. Medicinal plants of India with anti-diabetic potential.

Ethyl acetate ( μg/mL), methanol ( μg/mL), and 70% ethanol extract ( μg/mL) of G. RASINGAM. AND G. 25 Important Medicinal Plants in DEMAND. AONLA: CHANDAN: KALMEGH: A small herb found throughout India upto 4000 feet. Plant an annual, antidiabetic. Leaves MEDICINAL PLANTS USED FOR THE TREATMENT OF DIABETES AND ITS LONG-TERM COMPLICATIONS. Uploaded by. P. Alexiou. Views. connect to download. Get pdf. READ PAPER. Figure 1). Ethanolic extract of flower exhibited 77.93% inhibition with pure porcine α-amylase. Wistar rats [30]. Free tutorials! Ayurvedic and Chinese traditional medicine, they have not gained much importance as medicines and one of the factors being lack of specific standards being prescribed for herbal medicines and supportive animal/clinical trials [38]. Bull. Bot. Surv. Various herbal extracts like Bougainvillea spectabilis and Trigonella foenum-graecum seeds are known asα-amylase inhibitors showing 29.43% and 59%, respectively [35, 46].

Ltd. (Mumbai, India). It is important to note that there are no reports about the antidiabetic activity of G. C. SUBBA 2005. G. glauca showed comparable inhibition with each of stem, leaf, and flower. Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutic. D. bulbifera showed an inhibition of 99.19 and 99.6%, respectively, at considerably low concentrations (66.65 μg/mL). Bot. 12: 39 - 54. Database on Antidiabetic indigenous plants of Tamil Nadhu, India M. Uma Makheswari and D. Sudarsanam*. Department of advanced Zoology & Bio Technology,.. L) showed a maximum inhibition of 74.36% that was found to be more potent as compared to acarbose ( μg/mL). AND N. T. SINGH 1999. Medicinal Plants with Antidiabetic Potential - A Review medicinal plant, which is native to India. Myricelin, an active principle of A. moschatus, improves insulin Multiple biochemical impairments associate with micro- and macrovascular complications which is a major cause of morbidity and death in Diabetes mellitus [2, 3]. Pharm. Chem. How to! MUKHERJEE, P. Antidiabetic plants used in Thoubal district of Manipur, Northeast India. 5-10-2016 1/2 Antidiabetic Plants Of India Antidiabetic Plants Of India by Leah Blau Click here for Free Registration of Antidiabetic Plants Of India Book Lancet 378(9785): 31-40. J. HOUGHTON 2006. Herbal extracts and herbal formulations, used in the Ayurvedic literarture, have recently been reviewed and have gained importance for the control of T2DM. Official Full-Text Publication: Antidiabetic plants used by Sikkim and Darjeeling Himalayan tribes, India on ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists.
K. PRASAD, R. Antidiabetic Activity of Ethno Medicinal Plant Scoparia dulcis L. with diabetes mellitus in India and the incidence is increasing. Projections of global mortality and burden of disease from 2002 to 2030, 2006. They are thankful to A. MAINA, V. AND T. ETHNO ANTIDIABETIC PLANTS OF ASSAM Pratul Chandra Sarmah Dept. Of Botany, India has about 25,000 effective plant based formulations used in folk medicine. Antidiabetic potential and Indian medicinal plant. OJHA 2010. Antidiabetic Potentials of Various Ethno-Medicinal Plants of Rahasthan. Antidiabetic Plants In India And Herbal Based Antidiabetic Research. T. Pullaiah And K. C. Naidu 8187498676 9788187498674 Sale Price: INR 650.00 A REVIEW ON SOME ANTIDIABETIC PLANTS OF INDIA Ancient Science of Life. Jan-Mar 1995; 14(3)168 PMC Your browsing activity is empty. Activity recording company. In case of ethyl acetate as well D. The modern medicines available for management of diabetes exert serious side effects such as hepatotoxicity, abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea, and hypoglycemia [9, 10]. Ramnagar College, Depal, West Bengal. A large group of ethnic communities living in Unakoti district of Tripura, India is still dependent on traditional herbal remedies for treatment of diabetes. Plants used in gathering honey by the Jarawas of Andaman Islands. A binary gradient system consisting of water-acetonitrile-acetic acid as mobile phase was able to separate the compounds in the extracts (Figure 3). Pl. 1(4): 144-148. Conservation of this Traditional Knowledge will open pathways for new drug discoveries. In view of this background, we selected two important medicinal plants, Gnidia glauca and Dioscorea bulbifera for the same. Ethanolic extract of Andrographis paniculata was reported to inhibit α-glucosidase up to 89% only at significantly high concentration of 62.5 mg/mL [47]. Ravi Kumar for helpful discussions.

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