Saturday 5 November 2016

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The prognosis of a patient with an intraventricular subependymoma is good, with gross surgical resection being curative (26). Friedmann AM, Wolfson JA, Hudson MM, et al.: Relapse after treatment of pediatric Hodgkin lymphoma: outcome and role of surveillance after end of therapy. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 1994; 15:435-444. Biswas T, Culakova E, Friedberg JW, et al.: Involved field radiation therapy following high dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplant benefits local control and survival in refractory or recurrent Hodgkin lymphoma. Jenkin D, Chan H, Freedman M, et al.: Hodgkin's disease in children: treatment results with MOPP and low-dose, extended-field irradiation. Neuroradiology 1998; 40:377-379. Early reports of a predilection for the left lateral ventricle have not been substantiated in more recent studies (80,86). Leeuwen FE, Klokman WJ, Veer MB, et al.: Long-term risk of second malignancy in survivors of Hodgkin's disease treated during adolescence or young adulthood. In addition, the facts that some patients require postoperative shunting to treat persistent hydrocephalus and that some have xanthochromic CSF indicative of subclinical bleeding support the contention that impaired CSF absorption at the level of the arachnoid granulations (secondary to hemorrhage or proteinaceous material from these highly vascular tumors) may also be a factor (79). Choroid plexus papillomas appear as lobulated, uniformly echogenic masses at ultrasonography and demonstrate bidirectional flow continuing throughout diastole and a ragged outline consistent with flow in a chaotic arrangement of many small vessels (99,100). Dalen EC, van der Pal HJ, Kok WE, et al.: Clinical heart failure in a cohort of children treated with anthracyclines: a long-term follow-up study. Lee JH, Kim Y, Choi JW, et al.: Prevalence and prognostic significance of Epstein-Barr virus infection in classical Hodgkin's lymphoma: a meta-analysis. Mainstream medicine consider low carb to be hokum. Those who understand metabolism know a different story, but is LC ALWAYS appropriate? Okamura A, Goto S, Sato K, Ushio Y. The International Working Group (IWG) defined complete response for adults with Hodgkin lymphoma in terms of complete metabolic response as assessed by FDG-PET, even when a persistent mass is present.[25] These criteria were endorsed in the Lugano Classification, with the recommendation for using a 5-point scale in assessing response.[2,26] COG protocols have adopted this approach for defining complete response. Anti diabetes vitamin x bandcamp Alm El-Din MA, Hughes KS, Finkelstein DM, et al.: Breast cancer after treatment of Hodgkin's lymphoma: risk factors that really matter. J Comput Assist Tomogr 1989; 13:495-497. Claviez A, Tiemann M, Lüders H, et al.: Impact of latent Epstein-Barr virus infection on outcome in children and adolescents with Hodgkin's lymphoma. Choroid plexus tumors in children: significance of stromal invasion.

Br J Radiol 1992; 65:754-757. He explains how energy is transferred to ATP through the processes of glycolysis, the Kreb cycle and the Electron Transport Chain. Home / About / Videos / Keller FG, Nachman J, Constine L: A phase III study for the treatment of children and adolescents with newly diagnosed low risk Hodgkin lymphoma (HL). Lyon, France: IARC, 2000; 107-109. A broad attachment to either the lateral ventricle wall or the septum pellucidum is almost always present (43). Philadelphia, Pa: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011, pp 137-165. Cerebellar liponeurocytoma. Horton TM, Drachtman RA, Chen L, et al.: A phase 2 study of bortezomib in combination with ifosfamide/vinorelbine in paediatric patients and young adults with refractory/recurrent Hodgkin lymphoma: a Children's Oncology Group study. A dense fibrillary matrix interrupted by numerous small cysts and nests of isomorphic nuclei that resemble subependymal glia is typically seen at histologic examination (Fig 7) (26). Radiology 1985; 157:367-372. Crump C, Sundquist K, Sieh W, et al.: Perinatal and family risk factors for Hodgkin lymphoma in childhood through young adulthood. Kaaij MA, Heutte N, Meijnders P, et al.: Premature ovarian failure and fertility in long-term survivors of Hodgkin's lymphoma: a European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Lymphoma Group and Groupe d'Etude des Lymphomes de l'Adulte Cohort Study. Computed tomography of tumors involving the atria of the lateral ventricles. Kalina P, Drehobl K, Greenberg R, Black K, Hyman R. Chen RC, Chin MS, Ng AK, et al.: Early-stage, lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin's lymphoma: patient outcomes from a large, single-institution series with long follow-up. Neuroradiology 2001; 43:503-506. Greenfield DM, Walters SJ, Coleman RE, et al.: Prevalence and consequences of androgen deficiency in young male cancer survivors in a controlled cross-sectional study. When they arise in the fourth ventricle, these soft pliable tumors originate from the floor or roof of the ventricle and frequently extend through the foramen of Luschka into the cerebellopontine angle and even the foramen magnum (Fig 2) (1). Darling C, Byrd S, Reyes-Mugica M, et al. Intraventricular central neurocytoma: CT and MR findings. Nagib M, O'Fallon M. Neuroradiology 1983; 25:11-22. Yuasa H, Tokito S, Tokunaga M. As is typical for most intracranial meningiomas, those originating within the ventricles characteristically are isointense to hypointense compared with gray matter with short TR pulse sequences and isointense to hyperintense with long TR pulse sequences ( Figs 24, 25) (113). The Euronet Hodgkin lymphoma trials use a similar early response assessment definition of PET positivity, which is a Deauville score of greater than 3 after two cycles of OEPA (vincristine [Oncovin], etoposide, prednisone, doxorubicin [Adriamycin]). Intraventricular mass lesions. The mean age at presentation is 29 years, with a wide age range (8 days to 67 years) (29). Tebbi CK, Mendenhall N, London WB, et al.: Treatment of stage I, IIA, IIIA1 pediatric Hodgkin disease with doxorubicin, bleomycin, vincristine and etoposide (DBVE) and radiation: a Pediatric Oncology Group (POG) study.

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Calcification is noted in 4%-10% of choroid plexus tumors on plain skull radiographs and in 24% on CT images (70,79,95). Menor et al (59) noted a higher rate of prevalence (80%) of cardiac rhabdomyomas in their five patients with SEGA, compared with the other 22 tuberous sclerosis patients without a SEGA. Pollock I, Gerszten P, Martinez A, et al. Long term follow-up results. Neurosurgery 2001; 48:303-309. Neurosurgery 1992; 31:563-566. J Neurosurg 1997; 87:100-102. Kim D, Chi J, Park S, et al. Although complete response can be defined as absence of disease by clinical examination and/or imaging studies, complete response in Hodgkin lymphoma trials is often defined by a greater than 80% reduction of disease and a change from initial positivity to negativity on functional imaging.[27] This definition is necessary in Hodgkin lymphoma because fibrotic residual disease is common, particularly in the mediastinum. Cunha MF, Meistrich ML, Fuller LM, et al.: Recovery of spermatogenesis after treatment for Hodgkin's disease: limiting dose of MOPP chemotherapy. There is one case report of a central neurocytoma associated with gigantism, either from growth hormone- releasing factor within the tumor itself or from pressure on the hypothalamus (39). Sgouros S, Carey M, Aluwihare N, Barber P, Jackowski A. Weiner MA, Leventhal BG, Marcus R, et al.: Intensive chemotherapy and low-dose radiotherapy for the treatment of advanced-stage Hodgkin's disease in pediatric patients: a Pediatric Oncology Group study. Tuberous sclerosis complex: oligosymptomatic variant associated with subependymal giant-cell astrocytoma. Hemorrhage and cyst formation may be seen (67). Br J Radiol 1994; 67:223-243. The histogenesis of SEGA is also unclear, with evidence supporting both neuronal and astrocytic lineage (57). On CT images, SEGA appears as an isoattenuated to slightly hypoattenuated intraventricular mass near the foramen of Monro (60). Among all patients with tuberous sclerosis, about 6%-16% have a SEGA (58). Taylor AJ, Winter DL, Stiller CA, et al.: Risk of breast cancer in female survivors of childhood Hodgkin's disease in Britain: a population-based study. Salient demographic and imaging features of these eight tumor types are listed in the Table. Martin N, Pierot L, Sterkers O, Mompoint D, Nahum H. There is no gender predilection (29). Küpeli S, Hazirolan T, Varan A, et al.: Evaluation of coronary artery disease by computed tomography angiography in patients treated for childhood Hodgkin's lymphoma. Choroid plexus tumors located in the lateral ventricle are typically supplied by the anterior choroidal artery, the lateral posterior choroidal artery, and medial posterior choroidal artery (80). Kudo H, Oi S, Tamaki N, Nishida Y, Matsumoto S. Cairo MS, Shen V, Krailo MD, et al.: Prospective randomized trial between two doses of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor after ifosfamide, carboplatin, and etoposide in children with recurrent or refractory solid tumors: a children's cancer group report. Girinsky T, van der Maazen R, Specht L, et al.: Involved-node radiotherapy (INRT) in patients with early Hodgkin lymphoma: concepts and guidelines. As the treatment of Hodgkin lymphoma improved, factors associated with outcome became more difficult to identify. These tumors were characterized by expansive growth and lacked an infiltrative pattern at histologic examination. Mr Anderson Videos Playlists Channels Discussion About Home Best of YouTube Popular on YouTube Music Sports Gaming News Live 360° Video Although the vast majority of choroid plexus tumors are clearly categorized as a papilloma or carcinoma, occasionally a tumor with a predominantly papilloma appearance may have one or two malignant features. The mass is most commonly located in the lateral ventricle, usually in its anterior portion near the foramen of Monro. Gorde-Grosjean S, Oberlin O, Leblanc T, et al.: Outcome of children and adolescents with recurrent/refractory classical Hodgkin lymphoma, a study from the Société Française de Lutte contre le Cancer des Enfants et des Adolescents (SFCE). Neurosurgery 2001; 49:721-725. Corrigan JJ, Feig SA; American Academy of Pediatrics: Guidelines for pediatric cancer centers. Thoracotomy or laparotomy is rarely needed to access diagnostic tissue. In most cases, the increased intraventricular pressure is secondary to an increase in the production of CSF by the tumor (78). Accordingly, these layers give rise to ependymomas, subependymomas, and subependymal giant cell astrocytomas (SEGAs). In the pediatric population, almost one-fifth of all meningiomas occur within the ventricular system (109). Robinson SP, Goldstone AH, Mackinnon S, et al.: Chemoresistant or aggressive lymphoma predicts for a poor outcome following reduced-intensity allogeneic progenitor cell transplantation: an analysis from the Lymphoma Working Party of the European Group for Blood and Bone Marrow Transplantation. Neoplasms that arise within the cerebral ventricular system are especially conspicuous on cross-sectional images, in part because of the great contrast between these soft-tissue masses and the surrounding cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Molnar Z, Simon Z, Borbenyi Z, et al.: Prognostic value of FDG-PET in Hodgkin lymphoma for posttreatment evaluation. Order! Hancock SL, Cox RS, McDougall IR: Thyroid diseases after treatment of Hodgkin's disease. Silber JH, Cnaan A, Clark BJ, et al.: Enalapril to prevent cardiac function decline in long-term survivors of pediatric cancer exposed to anthracyclines. Sarkar C, Sharma M, Gaikwad S, Sharma C, Singh V. Choroid plexus carcinomas in childhood: clinical features and prognostic factors. Nachman JB, Sposto R, Herzog P, et al.: Randomized comparison of low-dose involved-field radiotherapy and no radiotherapy for children with Hodgkin's disease who achieve a complete response to chemotherapy. Lobato R, Sarabia M, Castro S, et al. They constitute 3%-9% of all neuroepithelial neoplasms, 6%-12% of all pediatric brain tumors, and almost one-third of all brain tumors in patients younger than 3 years (1). On CT images, intraventricular meningiomas manifest with an appearance similar to that of other intracranial meningiomas: a well-defined globular mass that demonstrates hyperattenuation compared with the brain parenchyma ( Fig 24) (113). Recurrence after surgical removal is rare (60). Some neurocytomas have even demonstrated an increase in their proliferation index after being partially resected (45,47). MR of pediatric intracranial meningiomas. Schellong G: The balance between cure and late effects in childhood Hodgkin's lymphoma: the experience of the German-Austrian Study-Group since 1978.

Gobbi PG, Cavalli C, Gendarini A, et al.: Reevaluation of prognostic significance of symptoms in Hodgkin's disease. Ashkan K, Casey A, D'Arrigo C, Harkness W, Thomas D. Neurocytoma accompanied by intraventricular hemorrhage: case report and literature review. Calcification, ranging from small punctate foci to large masses, is common (40%-80% of cases) ( Fig 4) (2,11). Smoker W, Townsend J, Reichman M. Intense but heterogeneous enhancement is almost always seen (113,114). Since that time, more than 100 similar cases have been reported in the literature. Tasdemiroglu E, Awh M, Walsh J. Schellong G, Riepenhausen M, Creutzig U, et al.: Low risk of secondary leukemias after chemotherapy without mechlorethamine in childhood Hodgkin's disease. Fitoussi, Eghbali H, Tchen N, et al.: Semen analysis and cryoconservation before treatment in Hodgkin's disease. Surg Neurol 1995; 43:252-255. online (etc) There are rare case reports of choroid plexus tumors arising in extraventricular locations, including the cerebellopontine angle, the suprasellar region, the frontal lobe, the posterior commissure, the pineal gland, and the cerebellum (68-75). Since preoperative treatment may affect the ability to obtain an accurate tissue diagnosis, a diagnostic biopsy should be obtained as soon as the risks associated with general anesthesia or heavy sedation are alleviated. On MR images, the solid portions of the tumor are hyperintense compared with the white matter with short TR and long TR pulse sequences, whereas the cystlike regions are hypointense compared with white matter with the short TR pulse sequences ( Figs 12 - 14) (43).

Simpson CD, Gao J, Fernandez CV, et al.: Routine bone marrow examination in the initial evaluation of paediatric Hodgkin lymphoma: the Canadian perspective. Cheson BD, Fisher RI, Barrington SF, et al.: Recommendations for initial evaluation, staging, and response assessment of Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma: the Lugano classification. Because of this aggressive biologic behavior, some authorities have proposed the term atypical central neurocytoma for these lesions (46). Hemorrhage in a highly vascularized subependymoma of the septum pellucidum: case report. J Neurosurg 1999; 91:506-509. Schellong G, Pötter R, Brämswig J, et al.: High cure rates and reduced long-term toxicity in pediatric Hodgkin's disease: the German-Austrian multicenter trial DAL-HD-90. Meistrich ML, Wilson G, Brown BW, et al.: Impact of cyclophosphamide on long-term reduction in sperm count in men treated with combination chemotherapy for Ewing and soft tissue sarcomas. Silverstein J, Lenchik L, Stanciu M, Shimkin P. Surg Neurol 1999; 52:37-39. Furie D, Provenzale J. A neurocytoma and an associated lenticulostriate artery aneurysm presenting with intraventricular hemorrhage: case report. Central neurocytoma: morphological, flow cytometric, polymerase chain reaction, fluorescence in situ hybridization, and karyotypic analyses-case report. Limited Time Offer, Buy It Now! The German-Austrian Pediatric Hodgkin's Disease Study Group. Kenney LB, Laufer MR, Grant FD, et al.: High risk of infertility and long term gonadal damage in males treated with high dose cyclophosphamide for sarcoma during childhood. Half of the cases involve the lateral ventricles near the foramen of Monro, whereas 15% are located in both the lateral and third ventricles (29). Bolen J, Lipper M, Caccamo D. Hodgson DC, Dieckmann K, Terezakis S, et al.: Implementation of contemporary radiation therapy planning concepts for pediatric Hodgkin lymphoma: Guidelines from the International Lymphoma Radiation Oncology Group. In: Kleihues P, Cavenee W, eds. Since the choroid plexus is most prominent in the atria, these masses are most commonly noted in the posterior portion of the lateral ventricles. Childs Nerv Syst 1991; 7:177-182. Krischer JP, Epstein S, Cuthbertson DD, et al.: Clinical cardiotoxicity following anthracycline treatment for childhood cancer: the Pediatric Oncology Group experience. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 1995; 16:2121-2129. Central neurocytoma: an electron-microscopic study of two cases. Unfortunately, the prognosis for patients with choroid plexus carcinoma is guarded, with an overall 5-year survival rate of 26%-50% (77,79,87). Berger C, Thiesse P, Lellouch-Tubiana A, Kalifa C, Pierre-Kahn A, Bouffet E.

The choroid plexus is the most highly vascular portion of the ventricular system and produces CSF. Chisesi T, Bellei M, Luminari S, et al.: Long-term follow-up analysis of HD9601 trial comparing ABVD versus Stanford V versus MOPP/EBV/CAD in patients with newly diagnosed advanced-stage Hodgkin's lymphoma: a study from the Intergruppo Italiano Linfomi. An embryonic rest of choroid plexus is speculated as the cause of these extraventricular lesions, but the theory remains unproved (68). Shankar A, Hayward J, Kirkwood A, et al.: Treatment outcome in children and adolescents with relapsed Hodgkin lymphoma--results of the UK HD3 relapse treatment strategy. Pigmented choroid plexus papilloma. Haase R, Vilser C, Mauz-Körholz C, et al.: Evaluation of the prognostic meaning of C-reactive protein (CRP) in children and adolescents with classical Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL). Weiner MA, Leventhal B, Brecher ML, et al.: Randomized study of intensive MOPP-ABVD with or without low-dose total-nodal radiation therapy in the treatment of stages IIB, IIIA2, IIIB, and IV Hodgkin's disease in pediatric patients: a Pediatric Oncology Group study. Cancer 1995; 76:1224-1232. Cellular Respiration Lab Walkthrough. Mr. Andersen walks you through the cellular respiration lab. Home / About / Videos / Anatomy and Physiology; Click here! MR imaging of tuberous sclerosis in neonates and young infants. Neoplasms from this tissue are highly vascular and commonly associated with hydrocephalus. Devita VT Jr, Serpick AA, Carbone PP: Combination chemotherapy in the treatment of advanced Hodgkin's disease. Steven D, McGinn G, McClarty B. Increased metabolic activity consistent with increased glycolysis has been seen in a choroid plexus carcinoma at fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose PET (102). Bhatia S, Robison LL, Oberlin O, et al.: Breast cancer and other second neoplasms after childhood Hodgkin's disease. The findings of extraventricular extension of a choroid plexus tumor into the brain parenchyma, heterogeneity of signal intensity, and the presence of vasogenic edema in the cerebral white matter all favor the imaging diagnosis of a choroid plexus carcinoma (80). Inskip PD, Robison LL, Stovall M, et al.: Radiation dose and breast cancer risk in the childhood cancer survivor study. GLYCOLYSIS Author: vonbargeng Last modified by: JessicaCo Created Date: 9/30/2011 1:35:00 AM Company: Issaquah School District 411 Other titles: Donaldson SS, Link MP: Combined modality treatment with low-dose radiation and MOPP chemotherapy for children with Hodgkin's disease. Fryer CJ, Hutchinson RJ, Krailo M, et al.: Efficacy and toxicity of 12 courses of ABVD chemotherapy followed by low-dose regional radiation in advanced Hodgkin's disease in children: a report from the Children's Cancer Study Group. Taggard D, Menezes A. Ng AK: Current survivorship recommendations for patients with Hodgkin lymphoma: focus on late effects. Kimura M, Takayasu M, Suzuki Y, et al.
Choroid plexus papilloma in the posterior fossa. Choroid plexus papillomas: long-term follow-up results in a surgically treated series. Jones LW, Liu Q, Armstrong GT, et al.: Exercise and risk of major cardiovascular events in adult survivors of childhood hodgkin lymphoma: a report from the childhood cancer survivor study. On MR images, subependymomas are generally hypointense compared with white matter with short TR pulse sequences and hyperintense compared with white matter with long TR pulse sequences ( Figs 8 - 10) (22-24). Hutchings M, Loft A, Hansen M, et al.: FDG-PET after two cycles of chemotherapy predicts treatment failure and progression-free survival in Hodgkin lymphoma. It is speculated that ependymomas may arise from embryonic rests of ependymal tissue trapped within the developing cerebral hemispheres (1). Occasionally, intratumoral hemorrhage may produce a blood-fluid level (2). Click here. Subependymomas have a white to grayish color and are well circumscribed with a firm texture (16). Childs Nerv Syst 1990; 6:375-378. Choroid plexus papilloma: a clinicopathological study of 23 cases. Choroid plexus tumours. 2012年1月31日 -  In this video, I have summarized the process of glycolysis. It shows all the steps and the structures of the intermediates as well as the en Ortin TT, Shostak CA, Donaldson SS: Gonadal status and reproductive function following treatment for Hodgkin's disease in childhood: the Stanford experience.

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