Thursday 21 July 2016

Anti diabetes drug danger - # New Drug For Diabetes From Cuba..

It has long been known that all the drugs in the thiazolidinedione family cause weight gain. The July 26 FDA report suggested that Actos is safer than Avandia, and indeed, many doctors had started to switch patients to Actos after the reports of Avandia's relationship to heart attack were made public. Note that the published research paper discloses that this study was funded entirely by GlaxoSmithKline plc, UK, makers of Avandia. Ideally, you'll want to do this by exposing a large amount of your skin to appropriate amounts of sunshine (or a safe tanning bed) on a regular basis, year-round. It's also worth remembering that both heart failure and fractures are class effects of TZD drugs, which derive from the way they work on PPAR-gamma. Naturally, you'll want to gradually work your way up to that amount, based on your current level of fitness. Come here. Anti-Aging; Diet & Fitness; Are New Diabetes Drugs Dangerous? By Nick Tate GLP-1 based drugs treat diabetes by regulating blood sugar. Patients may feel that they are not in a position to question or research for themselves the potential dangers of their anti-diabetic medications for fear of insulting or not fully trusting their physicians. However, the safety of these medications, as well as the potential health problems they may potentiate, must be examined. Arch Intern Med. It is much the same as being in a smelly room for a period of time.

Aside from drugs to lower blood sugar, many physicians will advise diabetics to take a statin cholesterol-lowering drug to lower your heart disease risk. Ron Rosedale, type 2 diabetes is a disease caused by insulin resistance and faulty leptin signaling (leptin is a hormone produced in your fat cells), both of which are regulated through your diet. Many chronic diseases are now linked to excess inflammation such as heart disease and diabetes. So, drugs that focus on the symptom of elevated blood sugar, rather than addressing the underlying cause, are doomed to fail in most cases. Treating diabetes with drugs may pose dangers that are far more serious that the disease itself. Soon, you stop being able to smell it, because the signal no longer gets through. Note that this study only lasted a few years. With blinders on, drugs have been and are still being given to lower blood sugar, even though they essentially whip the islet cells of the pancreas to produce more insulin. Lancet 2006 Sep 23;368(9541):1096-105. Pioglitazone preserves pancreatic islet structure and insulin secretory function in three murine models of type 2 diabetes. In this study women taking Avandia had almost twice as many fractures as those taking Metformin and almost three times as many as those taking glyburide.

Anti diabetes drug danger

Montori et al. In 2008, the ADOPT researchers published a research paper documenting that there was a significantly higher number of fractures with Avandia when it was taken for a median length of four years. Some of the more common treatments include the use of Actos, Avandia and Lantis. Avandia and Actos are members of a drug family called the thiazolidinediones, abbreviated TZDs. In November of 2008, a much touted study was published which analyzed Medicare records and reported that while people taking Avandia had a 13% higher risk of congestive heart failure, no difference was seen in heart attack risk. Instead, boost your mood by upping your omega-3 intake with fish oil. In fact, the question you have to ask is this: Why didn't they compare the people taking both drugs with another group of matched controls not taking any drug? A healthy heart burns fat. My guess is that the authors received their funding from the makers of Actos, hence this study is merely marketing material, not good science. Licorice should also be avoided as it interferes with the drug. And if that isn't enough, yet another very large study found similar results. Monoamine oxidise inhibitors (MAOIs) (eg - Nardil, Parnate), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) (eg - Zoloft). This means you are 60% more likely to develop retinal swelling leading to vision loss even with well controlled blood sugars if you take Actos or Avandia than if you don't. One of the main issues facing individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes is the decision on which type of anti-diabetic medications to take in order to control this disease. (etc) Monitor your fasting insulin level. It has been shown that as sugar gets metabolized in fat cells, fat releases surges in leptin, and I believe that those surges result in leptin-resistance just as it results in insulin-resistance. Your brain senses starvation and prompts you to eat more. This also means avoiding most processed foods, as they are loaded with fructose. High leptin levels are very pro-inflammatory, and leptin also helps to mediate the manufacture of other very potent inflammatory chemicals from fat cells that also play a significant role in the progression of heart disease and diabetes. Even so, more than a year since that study was published, many people report that their doctors still prescribe TZD drugs telling them that they will rejuvenate their beta cells. Vol. 95, No. Mayer B. Davidson. Carbamazepine: This drug can react with various supplements, including St John's wort, gingko biloba and evening primrose oil, so always check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking supplements. Epilepsy Australia recommends avoiding grapefruit juice and Seville oranges as they interfere with the way the body absorbs and breaks down these drugs. Benzodiazepines: Guarana may reduce the effects of the drug. Unfortunately, over time all three were found to cause life-threatening side effects, the risk of which was far greater than the benefit these drugs provided. Just remember to get your levels tested regularly by a proficient lab to make sure you're staying within the therapeutic range. But if you have diabetes, I recommend limiting or even eliminating sugar from your diet, especially in the form of fructose. St John's wort, a herbal supplement used to elevate mood, can make statins less effective. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. It should be noted again that leptin plays a vital role in regulating your brain's hypothalamic activity which in turn regulates much of a person's "autonomic" functions; those functions that you don't necessarily think about but which determines much of your life (and health) such as body temperature, heart rate, hunger, the stress response, fat burning or storage, reproductive behavior, and newly discovered roles in bone growth and blood sugar levels. People taking MAOIs should avoid foods, beverages, or medications sweetened with aspartame, as this contains phenylalanine which may cause a severe increase in blood pressure. Sonal Singh, MD, Yoon K Loke, MBBS, MD and Curt D Furberg, MD, PhD.

This study found that that. Waking up from the DREAM of preventing diabetes with drugs. Compared with exposure to sulfonylureas, exposure to pioglitazone was associated with more peripheral fractures in men (HR, 1.61; 95% CI 1.18-2.20)[i.e. If any other use is desired, permission in writing from Dr. I have been incensed about the [conventional] medical treatment of diabetes for decades. The Lancet, The Lancet, Volume 373, Issue 9681, Pages 2125 - 2135, 20 June 2009. A study published in November of 2006 found some evidence that elderly women taking Avandia and Actos were more likely to suffer bone loss leading to more fractures. Studies funded by Takeda, the manufacturer of Actos, suggest that Actos may improve endothelial dysfunction--a factor in the development of vascular complications--and that it might decrease the kind of inflammation associated with coronary artery disease and improve high blood pressure. Comeback!
Glycemic Durability of Rosiglitazone, Metformin, or Glyburide Monotherapy. The Independent: Diabetes drugs 'double risk of heart failure' No longer available online.

Steven E. Kahn, for the ADOPT Study Group et al. Men have thicker bones than women and it would take longer for bone thinning in males to be diagnosed. Dormuth CR, et al. Your body can safely create up to 20,000 units of vitamin D a day this way. Hastening the degeneration of your bones is suicide. This research by Krishnan and Krek has shown why these drugs may be risky. Remember, this is the same organization that continues to warn people that the long term effects of the low carb diet are "unknown" and hence it should be avoided, though every bit of evidence from all studies shows it to be safe and much more effective for people with Type diabetes than either Actos or Avandia. It causes the cardiac cells to produce and store fat.

Dhawan M, Agrawal R, Ravi J, et al. Over time it is likely that a higher incidence of broken bones and osteoporosis would be found with this drug. Fructose does not stimulate a rise in leptin, so your satiety signals are suppressed. Avandia also appears to affect a key cellular protein called the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR-gamma). Type 2 diabetes is not terminal; you don't have to live with it forever! ★ Diabetes Drug Weight Loss ★: : The 3 Step Trick that Reverses Diabetes Permanently in As Little as 11 The majority of fractures observed in female patients were nonvertebral fractures including lower limb and distal upper limb. After hitting the market in 1999, a 2007 study in the New England Journal of Medicine linked it to a 43 percent increased risk of heart attack, and a 64 percent higher risk of cardiovascular death, compared to patients treated with other methods! These drugs do not provide anywhere near enough benefit to outweigh their dangerous side effects. Nearly 26 million Americans have diabetes, and up to 95 percent of these cases are type 2 diabetes. Depending on the study, it appears that people who take TZDs for longer periods of time have about a one-and-a-half to twofold increase in their risk of fractures. Actos has also been found to cause a doubling of fractures in a group of patients taking it for a relatively short period--less than 3 years. Valium, Diazepam). Click here! Marco Tuccori, et al. Pioglitazone use and risk of bladder cancer: population based cohort study. Statistical significance" often means that there is only a very tiny difference, but when there is none it means the items being compared, statistically are absolutely equivalent. There are more than a dozen different types of saturated fat, but you predominantly consume only three: stearic acid, palmitic acid and lauric acid. Clinical studies have shown that these patients have a higher risk of dying from heart failure. Experts suggest that monitoring liver enzymes may not be enough to prevent damage.
One in five gives you worse odds than playing Russian Roulette. A logistic regression model was adjusted for age and conditions including COPD, asthma, osteoporosis, stroke and prior fracture, and was used to compare fracture risks between diabetes patients prescribed TZD and those not taking TZD. TZD use was associated with an increased risk for fracture in the overall cohort (adjusted HR=1.35; 95% CI, 1.05-1.71) and in women (HR=1.57; 95% CI, 1.16-2.14). Other research showed that Actos preserves the beta cell islet structure in two strains of genetically diabetic mice which raised hope that it might do something similar for people. ★ Diabetes Drug Extends Life ★: : The 3 Step Trick that Reverses Diabetes Permanently in As Little as 11 The use of pioglitazone hydrochloride was associated with an increased risk of peripheral fracture of 77% in women (HR, 1.76; 95% CI 1.32-2.38). Steven Kahn which was published The New England Journal of Medicine. On Oct 29, 2008, the public advocacy group Public Citizen said its review of U. Following my nutrition plan will help you do this without much fuss. Conventional wisdom" also states that table sugar is okay for diabetics, as long as you readjust your medications to compensate appropriately. Subscribe Now! This is wrong on many levels (not the least of which is the fact that cholesterol is NOT the cause of heart disease!), including the fact that statin drugs may actually cause diabetes. More than 80,000 diabetics have suffered from strokes, heart failure or other complications including lethal heart attacks from this dangerous drug. Make sure to incorporate high-intensity Peak Fitness exercises. The only thing rosiglitazone drugs like Avandia do is to help lower blood glucose, which has virtually no influence on the long-term damage due to type 2 diabetes. These unfortunate, overstressed islet cells have been producing excess insulin for years and often decades to try to compensate for the insensitivity, the resistance of the body's cells to insulin's signal. As the story unfolded, Glaxo-Smith-Kline, the maker of Avandia claimed in the press that another study would disprove the Avandia-heart attack link. S0140-6736(09)60953-3. Aug 10;169(15):1395-402. This is certainly not the first of these larger studies where I would say this unanticipated event was noted.. In June of 2011 the FDA confirmed FDA confirmed that there was a heightened risk of bladder cancer with Actos. A UK study analyzed ten years of data concerning 4,748 patients and found strong evidence that long term use of both Avandia and Actos increased the incidence of fractures, predominantly of the hip and wrist.

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