Friday 22 July 2016

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This is all staged. Iran is a country recognized by many civilized nation as a sponsor of terror. If you need to be educated again, let me know, and go find another logical things to say about your (Lords) and (Masters) Cheers ignorant.: ). The Muslims in the Middle East have had it up. The Saudis had sent shipments of weapons to Leonidas and his 300 Spartans against the Persian Empire. Nice strawman. Not a community man at all, a psychopath. Saudi and gulf states Export of Islamic Extremism is the Greatest Challenge to World Peace & Stability. We're no perfect countries, all countries has issues but to think that life is nightmarish here is pure bullshit. October 23, 2015. Muhammad and his followers died with worms in their mouths.. Why IRAN encourages black panther tactics, I don't get it, have Shiites gone full Alinsky Then CNN presents a Newport Beach Commiefornia expert and a Lt. And as a woman living in ksa, I want to say i love how my life is here. Anti diabetes drug with weight Stop being so subservient and grow a pair.. So Saudi owns most of Clinton's policy's too, biggest payer to eh en CLINTON foundation, wonder why😗. Since the first isis of the region (khomeini) came into the power first Iran and then middle east went up-side-down. That's what has allowed banks, multi national corporations, the mil-ind complex and crooked bought politicians to wreck the country through a set of incredibly bad decisions since entering the Vietnam war. June 3, 2015. Abdulrahman Tayyib Saudi Arabia is the epicentre of the international Salafism. Hopefully the collapse of oil will discourage Saudi Arabia from exporting their shitty ideology. Saudi Arabia and a person who lived in the on the west world for quite some time i can understand why many people will consider that barbaric i don't expect you to change your mind about this matter, but as a civilian from this country i hope that none of you tries to participate in our business Saudi Arabia is a country with 100% of the population being Muslim, this is the religion that we chose, this is the way that we think is right for our society, if you have a problem with that then don't commit any crime in our country and for anyone from the US in particular don't be hypocritical until you people remove the capital punishment from every state in your country don't even think about us being less human then you. Don't be narrow minded And emotional please. You know the US compulsively takes part in those. People have no voice. Yeah, working for them by killing Jews, being Communist till the early 90's, and staying out of the Middle East for most of the time. I love the older parts of the city. It's not that simple m8. The people of Yemen are suffering due to the unabated bombings of the Saudis. I played online. U r talking about 27 million ppl in one country. Also, slave ownership was entirely yours and even with Islam it didn't stop - it just became less widespread among your people. Let alone almost all of the Stan countries are sunni and are right under Russia which can cause problems for Russia. Like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerburg, God Bless them, can come up with some technology to turn this around.. U. N. did a terrible job of manitaing the situation as well, and Hamas took control of Gaza. PERSIAN GULF FOREVER* *همیشه خلیج فارس*. All that caused enough antagonism to lead to the Iranian Revolution and the shit show that has been going on since then.. Lmao THE IRONY!!! I saw the seen at 1:42 I remembered this verse (Have they not looked at the heaven above them - how We structured it and adorned it and [how] it has no rifts) Qur'an 50:6. First off the people killed have no remaining rights. October 20, 2015. Joe Freeman Hah, again you make it sound as if the drone strikes are not a big deal while whistleblowers said 90% of the drone strikes are on innocent people, that's one hell of a number. Rome continued as Bizantium, one of it's princesses married the tzar of Russia, leading to establishing the doctrine that Russia is the 3rd Rome. You're just seeing what you want to and ignoring the rest! Allah for the righteous as if he somehow enjoys in letting millions muslims starve and on top of that behaving as its nothing compared to rich arab nations who work for at least their own group of people in nation states is a form of great crime not just as muslim but as a human being. Bahahaha! I won't even tell you to go and study or learn anything because I already know that you're completely incapable of learning anything new at all, let alone information that might upset your Arab/Saudi/Wahhabi/Salafi/Sunni sympathizer, supporter, and apologist tendencies and leanings! Saudi Arabia is one of the safest countries in the world this is the justice of god. And burqas conveniently hide bruises and injuries as well. Prairielander We Canadians have more oil than the Saudis in Alberta, but it's not refined and tied up in the tar sands. Tho i don't rlly encourage this decision because of the crowded roads we have. U and American monetary system of borrowing at a fixed rate of interest, that is paid to the european banking cartels and the Federal reserve.

I was born and raised in Maimi, and I believe that one of the perks of global warming, is that it will cast Florida into the sea, where it belongs.. Bosch PLR 25 Digital Laser Range Finder DIY985748 DIY.. Look how the man in 3:20 looking at camera while speaking. I love chess and whenever me and my best friend play we end up king vs king every single time. Prince Makaveli I'm sure he is but that doesn't change the fact that he was a figment of muhammad's imagination. I don't know what the fuck you're saying, please learn grammar. Traditional designs feature buttons on the front of the machine, but many newer models move the controls to the top of the door to provide a cleaner, more modern aesthetic. Vito Viga - online are open for your favorite herbal products. Order the best herbal nutritional supplements. Abtronic distributorsArticles about Abtronic x2 side RT actually exists mainly as a source to counter on the west propaganda with more reliable and verifiable facts and actual news. April 30, 2016. May Allah Guide All To the Truth & Give All The Strength To Follow It. Why they support that evil dictator Asad!!! It is also about respecting humanity and treating them fairly. Russia. we know our country is bad and evil but don't forget that there are over 20 million muslim brother and sister here 😊 and the majority of us are against what Putin is doing in Syria. Saudi is really being hypocrit. And then we started the process of a political solution in Yemen, which is a whole different stage The point of decisive storm is to get them to the table, Al-Qaeda and the Yemeni government forces can take care of the rest. You don't have to wear any scarf in saudi arabia Is the food you eat even halal like that chicken in the airport Since when is it allowed to eat non halal meat . I hope their end is soon. The list can go on. Why single out the Saudis Are you Iranian, or just a stupid prejudiced lackwit. Allah not gona protect Saudi and other muslim countries because they are going to destroy by their own deeds now a days they are the agents of JewsAllah have plans to destroy them they can not escape from his course. I LOVE TO SMASH THE UGLY FACE OF BASTARD MARANDI. Iran got to stop exporting terrorists and terrorism to countries like iraq syria Yemen and now saudi Arabia. I live in Saudi Arabia. Once you've given the machine a thorough hand-washing, return the racks to their holders and run the empty dishwasher on a normal cleaning cycle. It's fun two muslim groups kill each other. The facts is Arab didn't contact with Persians they had wars before Islam and Christianity And there was slavery before Islam but after Islam it stopped." Umm, actually, Arabs and Persians DID have contact before Islam, and back then it was basically just shock and disgust on the Persian side any time they encountered Arabs because they couldn't believe how uncultured and backwards your ancestors were. America has been paying for Saudi oil with paper. You are also astonishingly petty and abusive. If you knew what I knew, smh!!. That's even been echoed here in Canada multiple times and we would know because we've been in the Middle East too! But even RT has to be careful should they want to start digging. This barbarian is talking nonsense, why is Aljazeera have this nonsense speaker from Saudi. Give science a try, you guys started it in the first place.. WAKE UP MUSLIM PEOPLE OF THE WORLD LET US DECLARE MACCA & MEDINA AS STATUS AS VATICAN CITY.. The US wasn't able to be self-sufficient then, but it could today. You should blame your politicians. Meshari M I am not anti-Saudi Arabia, but I fucking hate the way they brainwashed Saudis.. First, it is not fair nor humanity to say that those who killed have no rights, the biggest right they have is to make the killer suffer execution as he allowed to himself to do so with innocent people also in order to let people be assured that any criminal may kill them will get the same death and no need for more than this reason as a right of the person who is killed. Iran is to Russia and China almost exactly what Saudi Arabia is to America and European Union in the region. You knock one down and another one pops up right beside it, and even though you're doing the most damage, eventually you'll get sick of playing.. Honestly, you don't sound very bright. Pharmacy that sell fertilaid - Buy Products In Best Vito.. Even many people in the West do! Saudi Arabia attacked Yemen and the Houthis, not the other way around, and everyone knows it! Why do Saudi Arabia and Pakistan love each other. I take journalism class and when someone mentioned Fox News everyone in class laughed. And all the Iranians are either good doctors and engineers. I wish in America Latina they puy law like this they will be no problem with stealing or rapes or worst things.. Do you still have eyes to see! They're all evil including Iran. Wow, that's first. American dunmbos, media tunes you to what you should like and what you should dislike. People in Middle East: Hahaha Jeff Dunham is Hilarious Everyone over here is whiny confirmed..

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CaliPlus Buying CaliPlus Pills Online CaliPlus Dosage.. This Man interviewing is speaking right to both of them want Peace then shut up and do it that simple! This Saudi guy barks like dog. With the oil prices so low, satanist AL-SAUD is going down to the bottom at the speed of sound and their leaders know it well. That said, the reason that Saudi Arabia, the most barbaric of Arab nations is on such good terms with our politicians is: 1. You people don't have to tell us how to live or whats wrong or right, we know what we do. Saudi Arabia is good for agriculture and 70% of the country desert and good for nothing(ربع الخالی). Hans M I agree with you what annoys me the most when people talk about my country is when they say " Saudi Arabia kills and beheads people, how are they any different than ISIS! You were helpless in all of that anyway. They represent their fucked up mindset nothing more. Trichozed india - Buy Products In Vito Viga Online Herbal.. Hahaha, good luck buddy - we all know where the Mujahideen stand, and don't worry, I'll have counter-reasoning and counter-links for all of the bullcrap you've got prepared. The Obama administration is an aberration, caused by a failure of the administration to understand the nature of the enemy. Perfect timing for domestic terror attacks committed during routine police training operations - SWAT team drills in San Bernardino. That country's disgusting. The ones in power in Saudi Arabia seem to not be able to view their policies in third person anymore. I'm so sick of this.. I mean look at Iraq and see how Shiite militia doing to Sunni, no one in the west seems to care about that, but when a Sunni does it, he will be ISIS or Qaeda! SAUDIS equal to ISIL you are what you do not what you say. I'm just hear to show that numbers and statistics proof that its successful.. Russian channel talking about Saudi Arabia war with Yemen! How to. Also, the House of al-Saud has made its deal with the devil (Israel), and Iran (and Syria) are the only two nations in the Middle East that still support the Palestinians.. Oh, dear Palestinians! That moment when you've watched enough of this guy to know exactly what he means when he says "DAYUM!". Speaking ill to my country is an inappropriate way to ask for my rights! Gazus12345 we have to smarten up, that's all! It means death to the policy, leaders etc in America, not the innocent people. I was also talking about the reality of w/e shit hole you come from. My wife was not admitted to Saudi Arabia'. I certainly don't want to harm anyone, no citizen except the brainwashed wants to. I don't disagree. The same Hizbollah Iran wants to create in Bahrain, Yemen, Iraq and Syria. That's when people will be looking for a leader and the Anti-Christ will be it, as the savior. ROFL! Ahahahahaha! Do you really think they have a bad place in society just because their beauty isrecognized lol.. Violents men you find it in every country, USA is not free of those type of individuals. Can you give to me the reliable sources that so many women in Saudi being raped what i mean reliable is there is a statistics organization to give the data, how they collect the data, and how they calculate it, not just some random people doing research without trustworthy proof and evidence.. Heater64k It is amazing that the flag of a country, in this case Saudi Arabia is being discussed. Give women a break, dumbass! Saudi government is Wahabbi terrorist and I can hear the clock ticking for them. LOL! "that Persian take over some Arab countries including Yemen after they fought the Romanian" Huh! Shame on them.. Listen to the start of this video. MrIBERIELI Yes I am happy I just sat down with a delightful cup of tea, how's your wish of destruction and death of over 30 million people going my dear chap . October 26, 2015. No. someone is in both Countries stirring Your Countries up & You be surprised what & who are keeping it up. You DO realize that's the perfect excuse for an enemy to take over the city, right! Obama bows to the Saudi King. Women who R Raped need 4 male witnesses to prove she was RAPED! We are against them and the regime of Iran. We want to get a full picture of the beauty and culture of a country, not just the fancy and superficial part it's government wants to promote. Prince Alwaleed bin Tala (the nephew of the leader of Saudi Arabia (King Abdullah)) owns the Fox News.. So much propaganda..also.. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, the UK, the US and Israel are all responsible for terrorism whether it was by creating, funding, supporting or training. Once you've got that squared away, it's time to focus on three key considerations: value, performance, and design. The Frigidaire Professional FPID2497RF dishwasher can't seem to rid dishes of pesky dirt that just won't go away. Reviews; Emirates; United; Arabia; Transplant; Tablet; Medicine; Castor; Purchase; Herbal; Products; Taabea; Himalaya; Product; Delivery; Solution; Natural; Capsules Arab rulers and Israel are benefiting equally from sectarianism.. How could you love this ass lickers government of USA. The ProHD is the ideal choice for home security. Oh dear. I will eat my tea towell. Your path is the wrong path, and your desperate need to project your insecurities onto your "competitors" only shows your weakness and the invalidity of your argument. Developed with athletes and active users in mind, Mach 1 combines great sound with a lightweight, comfortable, secure fit that will motivate you through your toughest workouts or just lounging around the house. It's a way of raising clicks on here.. Frankly speaking I am sorry to tell you that either your phrase is weak to deliver your information accurately or my English language is weak so I could not understand you 100% in some phrases. Fuck your country! Depending on where you live, you may also have to pay sales tax, a cost that may or may not be applicable to online purchases. That babylon, assyrians, syrians Greaat history, Epic Egypt Age, All those were inside PERSIAN EMPIRE. D We couldn't have asked for a better indication or admittance of the fact that they do, indeed, love each other and are in bed with one another, always and forever, hahaha! So Muslims keep killing Muslims, it's good population control. Ammar AlBadi - a camel is no match for a 10 gauge shotgun; which can be used to take down an elephant. So this has nothing to do with nuclear weapons. Semite ppl Came from South Arabia Dumb ass! They're ranked as one of the least religious of most educated people of the Middle East.. God bless her soul.. Both of the men are favouring the barbaric actor (Saudi's).. Votes don't matter, they are paid off in advance. No disrespect to anyone but clear this hatred out from your hearts.. But let me ask a question. There's so many different factors in what makes a person an extremist, but that doesn't change the facts.. Pentagon said to sign off a whole new batch of fighter planes reclassified as scrap and sent to Israel, apparently. Pashtuns Azari Please elobarate also how Iran got weapons from the great and lesser Satan LOL you farsis are so fake, everyone diving in for mutta in your lost cause country, Russia owns you, china, india, israel and now the rest of the West is coming to rape your broke mutta addicted asses.. Killed their own girls.. Saudi don't like it that iran takes more checkers off the board. He was a threat to country's security.. I C Ewe I haven't gone back and looked but that makes sense. You Children will die Countries destroyed. But revelation says that many will be saved in that time. Allah you filthy slut your a traitor to Allah and his Messenger.. I read online about doubling the money supply in America. The state that Syria is in today can mainly be blamed upon Iran and Russia who are simply fuelling the fire. YOU HAVE TO DO THINGS instead they should say every one has his own dissuasion and that islam doesn't say you have to cover up its the women choice either to cover or not. Saudi Arabia's roll in the collapse of the Soviet Union.. Ron Ryan Theocracies suck in general, but Iran is nowhere near as bad as the Saudis. I'm an Arab from Iraq and I LOVE MY PERSIAN BROTHERS AND IRAN. If you think something bad against Saudi Arabia. Hindus are your brothers and sisters you whore. Pakistan will destroy to Iran. You are 100% right. Keep your machine running like new. Islam, why would someone be atheist after being Muslim This doesn't make sense. S wants to make, and would they be able to route the pipeline through the "safe zone" and into Turkey If so, would selling the natural resources using the dollar (and putting the natural resources into high demand by starting a world war) be able to sustain the U. Khalid S. Clearly you're not a photographer because you would know that (frame per seconds) fps are NOT all equal. I'm a woman, saudi women, i can study, work, shopping, visit my friends, go to restaurant, coffee, and i can even travel inside or outside saudi Arab without a man. To me it seems like the Saudi Arabian Sunni government is conducting a religious war against the Shiites in Yemen. Just wondering why most of this regulations is just against women. The whole system is corrupt and must be cheanged.. Iraq and Syria. An abaya is mandatory tho. I think the first split is going to occur inside the house of Saud. Go play away before I come to you and Fuck your vagaina. Iran is a paper tiger that never won a war against Arabs since the beginning of time. THIS IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO. However it's the same reason that Iran don't attack Israel because the US deals with Iran and Saudi Arabia" Uh! This isnt about the White race, black race, asian, middle eastern. I get what you are saying but you talk war all the time so tell me this we have the weakest president in the history of are country why would he start war when it would stop anther democrat from being the next president. Hisham Alameddine you seriously think USA would be able to fuck russia if world war 3 happens stop living in a dream buddy Russia have more powerfull allies than USA nd a lot more nuke too. If your neighbor was beating his wife every night, you would never know anything about it. Salafism(wahabism) & shiaism are both the creation of zionists. The 200 that disliked the video this message is for you Dislike a video about your country and look at people who hate your country HOW DOSE IT FELL HUH!👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽. Trolololol! !! I hope you have a great weekend =). Well they deny what they want to turn their power even the largest, even if this can kill people.. Model UX305UA w/ 6th. Llamas would rape you with that mentality. Not even hiding in these bunkers.. PEOPLE, THERE ARE ISIS MEMBERS ON THIS BLOG RIGHT NOW, THEY SPEAK ARABIC WHEN IT'S CONVENIENT, BE CAREFUL. And the only women I see running are those who you are trying to rape when your goat is tired.. When it comes to dishwashers, size matters. Saudi people. CAN YOU MARRY A MAN THAT IS NOT FROM YOUR RELIGION I am asking this question because I come from Bulgaria where this is something common and it creates no tension. You Arabs are scum and oppress women and USA and Europe will not tolerate your bullshit anymore fuck off now.. We American people are evolving, we are going towards God. The Shias are no more "demonic" than the Sunnis, and the fact that you try to simply name-call and claim things that are easily debunked and unsupported, again, shows your true hand and shows your face. I really have no reason to sit here and do research on this subject. May 1, 2015. I am a Muslim. It's sad that they get away with a lot of things because of the oil. Bukuharam,,,,15 of the 19 hijackers in the September 11 were citizens of Saudi Arabia.. Here is an analysis of an expert. Thanks to him the situation in Syria became better Ok, your muslim friends in Russia may be against it. SAUDI ARABIA = ISIS SPONSORS = TERRORISTS NUKE SAUDI ARABIA NUKE SAUDI ARABIA NUKE SAUDI ARABIA NUKE SAUDI ARABIA NUKE SAUDI ARABIA. Some buyers place serious value on the look of their dishwasher, particularly on how well it meshes with the rest of their kitchen. Saudi Arabia plays an important geo-political position in the middle east. As you conduct your research, note the MSRP of each model and check to see if any sellers currently have it on sale. We call all others Kafir. Zionism is Terrorism The Rothschilds, world kingpins, worth $500 trillion! Morons. Let's believe everything a book says that was written by one guy. She is giving a wrong information from start to end..

Saudi is the father of ISIS.. It's already started and Saudi Arabia will be fucked.. I see you edited your original post by changing faith to fate. There is unrest between the ruling family members that is going to make things even harder. Not one sex under the other's feet.. No country is sovereign if the people are not acting, much less even thinking sovereign & we know this because the people in every nation on this planet acquiesce to a monumental crime of theft called banking, which is hardly sovereign if you're all willfully partaking & practicing in this one world religion of the anti-Christ in all hypocrisy.. I became overweight in my unpunctual teens and this happened because I had an increased liking and loved to chasm on garbage food. SOON all of our cars will be electrical and we will have NOTHING to do with you anymore. Testube, How Powerful is KAZAKHSTAN. May 24, 2015. Why do you hate most of the countries of Islam What have we done to them Sorry, but I am a Muslim and I am a Saudi and I did not see this stuff in my country, the US media is tarnishing our reputation, they say, Saudi Arabia terrorism is true we hear about some things but are not a Saudi originally Taalo yourself we have and you will see a Saudi real We are a country where the security, stability and thankfully, Daash to not belong to Saudi Arabia and we hate corrupt Daash It is an organization aimed at killing Muslims in the name of Islam and distort the reputation of Tsedkounam and Sorry if the speech is the concept may be translated from Google translator. They are united in their opposition to the US and NATO. I hope this ASSHOLE check his information next time.. We are satisfied the way we live. TB for 1-year.
The left insists that dictators and their supporters be able to live where ever they wish to. It's true that some country like SA have retrictive and illogical laws even in a muslim point of view for womens, but in the other hand they are a lot of things expecially dedicated to the well good of womens that you will never find in occident, but detractor never speak about it, just the bad stuff.. I myself was thinking of a "counter Earth" where are no humans at all, just nature, animals, trees, you know, the good stuff). The Iranians are right to identify the Saudi's as the source of the problems in the region. Right now the Kingdom provides monetary and social support for ISIS and takfiri/wahabi sunnis.. My aunt, a very religious woman, once told me not to watch pokemon, because it is evil. Every thing he said is true and I got American Frd I gave him a hunting dog very expensive dog, just to let u kno in Middle East if u have something that's very nice for u or u like it too much and there is someone saw it and he say I like it, I have to say if u want u can have it. The 140 people killed would have then have had just as many rights as the raghead terrorists and homegrown French and Belgian terrorists who killed them. Did you have another brain fart and forget to finish your sentence!

But! Sadly, you are correct. Alireza Farhangazar you are correct the usa only loves jews in middle east, infact they don't even really care for Christians their entire foreign policy, immigration, and social policy is based on Jewish/zionist interests not Christian. Scrolls ٍ Typical muslim idiot blaming the jews because the world has finally seen the true face of islam. Just chill out and try to stay cool, nothing deserve to be hated except hate itself.. China uses Russia to get Oil and gas at a discount. And also that saudi execute a man who spoke justice and did not use weapons. Get the best price on your new dishwasher. Russia, China, Iran and Syria with Assad will crush those pussies and give them HELL!. Saudi Arabia is our best, non NATO, middle eastern ally. ARandomShadow Saudi Arabia also provides information to the US government in secret, going by many reports. Think about what the Israelis say: they claim that the land was given to them by God and that they're the chosen people and that when their temple is rebuilt Christ returns, etc. If Saudi Arabia truly wanted to end terrorism in their nation through executions they would need to start with all the male members of the royal family beginning with the king.. And yes, Why you always right Why you the only people know how to live their life efficiently. We are a group of highly educated and have the most historically accurate nation in the world. It makes no sense to attack other places because you are mad about what is going on somewhere else. October 29, 2015. DamnCraft I'm Indonesian too. DID I MENTION WERE REALLY STUPID!!!. October 1, 2015. So you've mis-pronounced names, you've got facts wrong, their's no sources, and this is generally bullshit. Nelly Mendieta well, the real name is "Jacobs trouble", it starts with major wars, and civil wars. Saudi official talking like an angel. For smaller or modular kitchens, a portable dishwasher may be the best solution. USA, France, rest of NATO and Russia should bomb Saudi Arabia until it is nothing but dust. India and China would be gigantic powers if it wasnt for their large population and poverty rates.. Again both can be considered as negative forces but Iran cannot be considered as a founding father of Terrorism, however Saudi certainly can.. Jedda does not start popping until the sun goes down. Good luck, for it was the people of iran who won the war, with courage, against all foreign powers nd weapons. Harry Potter makes socery look good, which its not. So don't think we didn't like it and stop talking about us as if we need help.. One hopes there will be a war in which they wipe each other out, and leave the rest of ther world out it.. Get a life dude! Assad himself whom Iran backs is buying oil from ISIS where both benefited from each other. I taught Saudi cities should look like Qatar and UAE cities. Someone just is a very bad loser after being destroyed with chess. Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iran supported by America" Israel and Saudi Arabia are supported by America, yes, but not Iran. Most people become radical since they don't like the status quo. US itself will eliminate the kingdom. What would happen to me.. Community and you cant shredding us.. There is nothing to compare with. Moreover, I prefer the vagina to the anus when taking my pleasure with a woman so it always made a pleasant change for the dears.. Kiba fuck the occupition you have a wrong think about palestine..please think and see what are happening in gaze.the babies is dead every day from the you can write قتل اطفال غزة في الحرب.and give me what are you thinking after it..and if you would to come the muslims and all who be in jerusalem would (and im shour) they will take you like a guest in his home.and i will be the firs one who make you eat kidreh. Gaddafi along with Saddam were murdered and their countries were destroyed because, they were trying to create a form of money like we had when America had the gold standard. FACT! Saudi has modern day slavery UN says FACT!

Something women enjoy in all on the west nations ^_^. Executed for murder only and in middle east country there are less murder than usa so its a good law. Saudi Is an ally to the US and the on the west world and there's an investment going on. Soon this conflict between Arabic and Persian people will resolve and will erase the state of zionist intruders from the map together hand in hand despite our differences against the zionist oppressor.. Has it always been like this, or is this a recent change. I REALLY want them to issue a fatwah against My Little Pony as if they did I'd enjoy watching it even more than I do now.. Just now noticing Welcome to the reality show!!!!!!!!!!!. Bosch 680 W Corded Compact Hammer Drill PSB 680 RE.. You must be no more than 4 years old! America's banks. If mold shows up in your machine, periodically clean the interior with a bleach solution, wiping down any surface with mold or caked-on food debris. Ever few posts you say something that would just leave the average person scratching their heads. Serbs are a genocidal nation whose churches teach hatred and genocide. Or are you just trying your best not to see it! Instead the CIA launched a coup in to overthrow an elected government and replaced it with the puppet Shah for the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. And because the US has done nothing but seek to punish Iran for taking over the reins of its own destiny i.e. People, get educations so they can get jobs. Be well my new arab friend.. The Jews, or the Americans. So despite the huge oil wealth, most workers never see any luxury in this feudal kingdom!. essay. These considerations range from the economical (price, size, efficiency) to the functional (drying temperature, capacity, cycle duration, noise level). That's in our records AND in yours and in everyone else's. I gave up music 4 Allah sake. Stop wearing the hijab. I mean yeah, it's a silly game, but silly games are sometimes fun for kids. GlucoLo Anti-Diabetes NoFlam Anti-Arthritis Bosch Dishwashers, Bosch Fridges, Bosch CCTV Price List 2015. V1 SHIAA) because u r ARAB just wake up u dumfuck. It is interfering in many countries and it carries out lies, propaganda, bullying and deception every day. Yeah, NOBODY CAN FUCK WITH "Saudi Arabia"!!!! Ranger55Delta By the way, you are the ones who supported and funded Al Qaeda, in the first place, this is a historical fact you cant deny this. ToXiCBambo yea, theyre "supportive" in the same way the USA is.. Again, these are ARABS that are jew but pretend to be muslim. CaptainCore993 of course it does im sure you did not read enough about the (islamic) golden age and why that period had a lot of discovery and inventions 100% it is linked to islam (just google it man and look out why that period was like that) and if not tell my why and i very surprised when you say muslims individuals invited things but you dont say muslims individuals do bad things.. Fuck Saudi Arabia Royal Family.. The only thing I know is that nimr was a bastard like khomeini. I agree with you on Saudi sect being a source of terrorist mindset as well as funding. Plus i'm a women and i'm happy stop acting like you know us and u feel for us. Imagine if every country in this world use the law of Allah, not the law of the on the west. Simple solution to Saudi assets, use an event to expose terrorists links and deem them a threat, sanction and seize all of their assets bada boom bada bing. Sounds like you're the one who is "dreaming". Omar (a senior Sahaba of the prophet Muhammad) used to say: نحن قوم أعزنا الله بالإسلام، فإذا ابتغينا العزة بغيره أذلنا الله We are a nation(Arabs)that God has made praiseworthy via Islam, and if we were to seek this pride in anything other [ie. Unless you have a specific need for something compact or portable, this is what you'll be buying. And Iran already took some steps to get better relations, but Saudi negotiated with GCC to severs ties with Iran as wel. Btw, I'm Saudi, non-religious and I don't want someone like you to 'defend' me as minority. Jan Jappie Ukelele Actually Assad did use chemical weapons and there are tangible evidences recorded by the UN. The don't win support they buy it. But those who not agree, (and i speak about women which marriages were prevented) must let get out from the country passing over the guardian system. That's why it can withstand low prices. Yes, Saudi Arabia. Now make like a good rafedite and go cut and flog yourself on the face. Mustafa Hashmi Stop being a bitch and just answer the question. However, I understand, and so should all, how and why it came to power in Iran. This is all going to change when Trump becomes president. I don't get it, I see muslims in Europe want Sharia Law, why don't just go to Saudi Arabia It's a rich and powerful country, they can live happily there.. A monarch would be the ones to focus on, especially when you know it is the tyrant that dictates. India, Russia and China are the big 3 of Brics and there groth is huge. New dishwashers from the brand's least expensive line look good, and keep the noise to a minimum. Funny grin on Marandi's face. Creepy. I wonder if there is a DSM classification for socially induced insanity. I don't see a big difference between your ideas and the other fanatic religion groups who want the whole society to live base on the desire of minorities. You're trying to type with a phone Well, that's fucking dumb and that's your problem.
Saudi Arabia have FULL high speed Internet access but the sexual sites are blocked and any try to enter them may put you in a trouble. We both started off pretty heated and angry in this debate but yes I respect your views. The world needs to come together to help them, rather than continue allowing the average Saudi citizens to be hurt. Abins Abinb Yup, you people rape your own mother(s), that's what I heard.. Why don't we just use Iranian oil to make a whole lot of asphalt and pave your entire country, and use it as a parking lot for the Russians and Chinese when they finally manage to have a decent enough economy to have a lot of cars On the other hand, that would take too long, and let you degenerates live too long. We don't pray 30 mins each time, we pray 30 mins a day in TOTAL. Angels will fight with them.: )) . Ram Nangunoori Britain helped establishing "Saudi Arabia" in order to move the Arab into war with the Ottomans empire. Saudi Arabia is bul shit sy with because all of the da sam people fuch Saudi Arabia I had people Arab bitch all. Buckington Hassleshire it doesnt im muslim and the only time when muslims are allowed to kill is when they are being attacked. What about the 50% of the world that lives below the poverty line mainly due to corruption and misgovernance by the very same people whose funds are safely parked in on the west countries Where is HRW on that issue It is very clear that this open access to on the west economies by the world's kleptocrats is the cause of misery, impoverishment and premature death for billions. Terrorists and try to make Iran responsibel for terrorismus in the world! This is a problem. Amazing how West haters say ''on the west media'' when they wish to condemn any media which reports anything which even remotely supports Judeo-Christian or White on the west values. A country with no human rights, opression against women, public beheadings and executions.. Militias with firearm, gun. December 1, 2015. Click here. Time is up and now they have to pay for their crimes against humanity. That's like selling the family jewels. If you go live in her with your loving husband, did you think you husband turn evils because of those laws Please do a distingsions about official POV of the royal family and those from each individuals. Unless you're in the market for a countertop or portable dishwasher, your options are limited to standard 24-inch or compact 18-inch models. Joe Freeman Did someone start the regime change in Saudi Arabia without me How is Saudiland getting a bum deal here. The strategic importance of the Persian Gulf. Saudi Arabia is even worse than Iran, but it's an US ally, so everything they do is fiiine.. Iranians have a extraordinary root to brag about, And they still don't brag but poor Saudis do evan though they have nothing, Iranians are one of the most civilized people in the world that have not invaded another country for over 300 years. THANK U GOD FOR MAKING ME A SAUDI. Funny thing is, some of that extremism is our fault (cold war manipulations) but that's more political power of organizations like ISIS and the Taliban. What part of that can't you get Or do you just want the government to do it all for you then whine when they can't/don't do a good job or do it your way.. Why cant we just have a logical and respectful conversation. Hisham Alameddine shut your ass up all of you I'm the only one who's gonna win the ww3. MrFinny95 You know doing some research isn't illegal you should try it. Saudi Arabia insha Allah can anyone help me out with more information about Saudi. Pakistan lives like a species attached to other's body to feed them for many decades, look at your self who you are . Oil of saudi made US economy no.1 and help US to ignore gold in dollar currency saudi arabia is strong allay to US, it is very simple. Our wide range of built in dishwashers at RDO are available in 45cm or 60cm wide designs and are styled to seamlessly integrate into your household.

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